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Data Labeling and AI Revolution (2023) Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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What is Data labeling?

Data labeling is employed for machine learning algorithms to identify and comprehend objects properly. Face recognition, autonomous driving, aerial drones, robotics, etc., are all areas where ML has proven essential. Visual (photographic and cinematic), aural, and text data are now the primary categories used in data gathering and labeling. Two primary factors determine an AI system’s effectiveness:

First, the standard of the underlying model used in the procedure.

Two: The Amount and High-Quality of Available Training Data

Data labeling, in its simplest form, teaches the system to recognize vehicles by providing examples of various automobiles so that it may learn the shared characteristics of each and properly identify cars in unlabelled photos.

How does data labeling work?

Machine learning (ML) and deep learning typically require massive volumes of data to provide the groundwork for reliable learning patterns. The data they collect for their training systems must be labeled to get the intended outcome.

Labels used for feature recognition should be descriptive, discriminating, and unique if the resulting algorithm is to be reliable. A well-labeled dataset offers verifiability that the ML model may utilize to check the precision of its predictions and refine its method.

Accuracy and precision are the hallmarks of a top-notch algorithm. An accurate dataset is one in which specific labels may be retrieved directly from the original data. In data science, quality is defined as the degree to which a dataset is true overall.

Key to win

Systems or machinery that can recognize patterns or function autonomously require extensive training in the form of high-quality, copious data. The CDAO, where Martell works, was founded in December 2021 to speed up and broaden the Defense Department’s use of AI and data analytics. After months of consolidating the Joint AI Center, the Defense Digital Service, Advana, and the chief data officer’s position, the office finally began operating at full capacity in June.

For a long time, the Military has been interested in artificial intelligence to make better judgments more rapidly and open up previously inaccessible areas to an investigation that no soldier, sailor, or human would dare to explore.

As of early 2021, the Defense Department was working on more than 685 AI projects, according to a study by the Government Accountability Office. Some of these programs involved important military systems. Last month, the Air Force selected Howard University to lead research on tactical autonomy, including manned-unmanned teaming, as part of a five-year, $90 million contract.

The data-centric method has its drawbacks. In particular, the model-centric strategy is the only choice if the team is strapped for cash and one is trying to avoid human-handled labeling entirely using a pre-existing dataset. Meanwhile, there are two labeling options: doing it in-house, which may be very expensive and time-consuming, or outsourcing it, which can sometimes be a gamble and typically costs a lot. Synthetic labeling is another approach that involves producing fake data for ML, but it is resource-intensive and hence out of reach for many smaller businesses. Therefore, many groups conclude that the data-centric strategy isn’t worth the effort required, whereas, in reality, they need to be more informed.

The data-centric strategy is effective, but only if one is putting in the effort to work with the data. The good news is that data labeling doesn’t have to be expensive or take months, thanks to crowdsourcing techniques. The problem, however, is that more people need to be made aware of such procedures, let alone that they have evolved to become successful. Notwithstanding the drawbacks, over 80% of ML practitioners choose the in-house route, according to the research. And a recent poll shows that these doctors don’t utilize this technique because they prefer it over others; they use it because they don’t know any better.

To sum it up

 Access to large volumes of high-quality labeled data is still a major roadblock in advancing artificial intelligence. An increase in the need for properly tagged data is virtually inevitable as the movement with Ng as its leader gathers traction. So, progressive AI professionals are rethinking how they classify their data. Due to the high cost and limited scalability of in-house labeling, they may soon outgrow it and be priced out of using external sources like pre-packaged data, data scraping, or establishing links with data-rich entities. The bottom conclusion is that high-quality input is essential for the real-world success of AI initiatives. And accuracy, that is, correct labeling, is required to improve the data quality and, by extension, the models it powers.

The post Data Labeling and AI Revolution (2023) appeared first on MarkTechPost.

 What is Data labeling? Data labeling is employed for machine learning algorithms to identify and comprehend objects properly. Face recognition, autonomous driving, aerial drones, robotics, etc., are all areas where ML has proven essential. Visual (photographic and cinematic), aural, and text data are now the primary categories used in data gathering and labeling. Two primary
The post Data Labeling and AI Revolution (2023) appeared first on MarkTechPost.  Read More AI Shorts, Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Data Labeling, Deep Learning, Editors Pick, Staff, Tech News, Technology, Uncategorized 

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