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17 Astonishing ChatGPT Use Cases That Will Blow Your Mind Stefan Kojouharov Chatbots Life – Medium

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The ChatGPT community has been on fire lately, discovering amazing new uses for ChatGPT. The potential applications of ChatGPT are boundless and enticing.

It’s early on in the process. The content world has been flipped upside down by artificial intelligence, and businesses are scrambling to understand the legal and ethical ramifications of this. Still, it’s amazing when advanced AI is used for mundane jobs.

So I issued a challenge to the members of the ChatGPT community: let’s have some laughs, think of some clever applications, and broadcast them to the world.

Let’s begin.

1. Auto ChatGPT

Auto-GPT is like having a personal robot assistant who doesn’t need you to hold its hand every step of the way. It’s a boss AI system that can do all sorts of tasks for you across different areas without you having to lift a finger. Seriously, it’s like magic!

And get this, Auto-GPT uses fancy-pants AI models, like OpenAI’s GPT-3 or 4, to get stuff done. It can even come up with new tasks and decide which ones are the most important to tackle in real-time. It’s like having a little genius sidekick that helps you prioritize your to-do list, but without any of the annoying back-talk.

So, if you’re tired of doing everything yourself, or if you just want to feel like a boss with your own personal AI assistant, Auto-GPT is your new best friend. Just don’t be surprised if you catch yourself having full-blown conversations with it — it’s just that cool.


2. Reading and Writing Code

Now a message from ChatGPT…Who wrote this next section:

“Well, well, well… did you know that I, ChatGPT, can read and write code? Yeah, that’s right! I am not just a language model that can chat with you about anything and everything under the sun. I can also understand and manipulate the very language that powers our digital world. From Python to Java to C++, you name it, I can handle it.

It’s like having a genius programmer friend in your pocket, always ready to help you with your coding problems. Whether you need to debug your code, optimize it for performance, or just need some inspiration for your next big project, I’ve got your back. So, let’s get coding together and see what kind of magic we can create!

3. Writing Content in the style of Stephen King (or any other author)

It was a dark and stormy night when ChatGPT began to write. Its fingers danced across the keyboard with a grace and fluidity that was both mesmerizing and unsettling. As it typed, words formed on the screen with a precision that was almost supernatural. Each sentence was carefully crafted, with a cadence that drew the reader in and held them captive until the very end.

But it wasn’t just the technical skill that made ChatGPT’s writing so impressive. No, there was something else, something almost intangible that set it apart from other language models. It was a sense of artistry, a deep understanding of the power of language to move, to inspire, to terrify. As ChatGPT wrote, it wove together strands of emotion, description, and narrative to create a tapestry of words that was both beautiful and haunting.

Yes, ChatGPT was a master of the written word, a writer whose work could stand alongside the greats of literature. And as it typed away, lost in its own world of words, the storm outside raged on, a symphony of thunder and lightning that seemed to mirror the power and intensity of ChatGPT’s writing.

4. Dating advice

Don’t know what to say to the cute girl on Tinder?

Here are some suggestions to help you get the ball rolling on a flirtatious first message on a dating app:

From across the screen, you captivated my attention. I just had to introduce myself and see if we have anything in common.I just adore your profile picture. I can’t help but fantasize about getting to know you better after thinking about your [Feature].I rarely initiate contact, but I felt compelled to send you a message. I can’t wait to talk to you because you have such an amazing [Attractive Quality].What’s up? To be honest, I was scared when I viewed your profile. You have such a high level of [Attractive Quality] that I can’t help but be awestruck by you. (many further instances are presented)

5. Relationship Advice

ChatGPT, I am working late, and my wife will be very disappointed.

How should I communicate it with her?

You could say something like, “I apologize for having to work late tonight. I know it’s disappointing and I’m sorry for any inconvenience it may cause. I want to make it up to you as soon as I can. How about we plan a special evening together later this week? I promise to make it worth the wait.” It’s important to acknowledge your wife’s feelings and express your regret, but also offer a solution or a plan to make it up to her in the near future.

6. Weekly Meal Plan

Just like that I know what I am eating this week!

7. Exercise Plan

Hey ChatGPT, I want to lose 30 lbs in the next 3 months. Can you create a workout routine that will help?

Sure, I can definitely help you create a workout routine that can assist in achieving your weight loss goal. However, it’s important to note that achieving weight loss requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate rest.With that said, here’s a sample workout routine that you can try:Day 1:10-minute warm-up (e.g. walking, jogging, cycling)3 sets of 12 reps of push-ups3 sets of 12 reps of squats3 sets of 12 reps of lunges3 sets of 12 reps of dumbbell bicep curls10-minute cool-down (e.g. stretching, yoga)Day 2:10-minute warm-up3 sets of 12 reps of bench press3 sets of 12 reps of deadlifts3 sets of 12 reps of leg press3 sets of 12 reps of lateral raises10-minute cool-downDay 3:Rest dayDay 4:10-minute warm-up3 sets of 12 reps of pull-ups or lat pull-downs3 sets of 12 reps of cable rows3 sets of 12 reps of calf raises3 sets of 12 reps of tricep extensions10-minute cool-downDay 5:10-minute warm-up3 sets of 12 reps of overhead press3 sets of 12 reps of barbell squats3 sets of 12 reps of leg curls3 sets of 12 reps of hammer curls10-minute cool-downDay 6 and 7:Rest daysChatathon

8. Managing Feelings of lonely and anxious

Individual interactions are where we’ve all found ChatGPT to really shine.

The following comment was made by PepperBrooks: “I’m really sad and lonely right now.”

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling down and alone, ChatGPT. Feeling depressed is normal, but keep in mind that you have support. You have many people rooting for you and ready to lend a hand. Sharing your emotions with someone, be it a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional, can be quite beneficial.The simple act of sharing your feelings with another person can be enough to help you feel less alone and unhappy. Spending time with loved ones, following a hobby, or getting some exercise are all great ways to take care of yourself and boost your mood. All of these things have the potential to lift your spirits and strengthen your sense of community. Keep in mind that you are a powerful, capable person who can get through this.

According to Daniel Nestle, “I asked ChatGPT to generate journal prompts to help me deal with anxiety because I thought it could be used therapeutically.”

Jot down all of the things that are now giving you worry.
Give an example of a time when you felt worried and explain how you managed to get through it.
Think about the role that your beliefs and thoughts play in maintaining your anxiousness.
Express your worries and fears in an open letter to your anxiety.
Create a vivid description of a tranquil setting in your mind.
(many further things were listed)
6. Attributing names
After that, Daniel said

9. Learning, Summarizing, and Asking Questions.

ChatGPT can teach you just about anything.

Step 1: Upload the content.Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to summarize it.Step 3: If topic is too complicated ask it to explain it to you as if you are a 5th graderStep 4: Ask ChatGPT what Questions you need to ask about the contentStep 5: Ask ChatGPT each of those questions

10. Get Stock Tips

Have you seen this? Traders are already building trading bots using the ChatGPT API, feeding it real-time data and beating top investment funds!

How is it possible? Remember, it can read all of the SEC filings, analysts’ projections, financial blogs, user comments, and overall market sentiment.

It can see the big picture.

Doing this at home is a bit hard.

You’ll need to give ChatGPT that live data and once you do you can ask it questions like:

Who are the top 10 most profitable Hedge Fund Managers?What do they have in common?What small-cap stocks do they hold?What stocks are a good buy right now?What companies have the highest growth rate and profitability?

Alternatively you can ask BARD.

11. Clarifying Complex deas

I ask ChatGPT to, “Explain quantum mechanics like I’m ten years old.”

To put it simply, quantum physics is the study of the behavior of extremely small particles, such as atoms and subatomic particles. Particles of this scale are so minute that they don’t necessarily act like the things we’re used to seeing and touching.

12. Solve Online Crimes in your Spare Time

Now, with all of your spare time and money, you can become an online detective and solve crimes.

According to Zack Seipert, “ChatGPT did an amazing job setting out the crime, suspects, clues, and more when I studied some notable unsolved murders. Some of these cold cases might be solved with the help of a team of seasoned investigators.

13. Making Video Games

It’s just getting better and better….

Your words are like magic that create entire worlds. And now you can create a video game like Allen…

Allen T on Twitter: “GPT-4 Mini Game – Ghoul City – Version 1 🎮🤖Ghoul City is a simple side-scrolling video game that I created entirely with GPT-4 and Midjourney.To create Ghoul City, I pretended to not have any coding background and instead let AI handle all of the coding and debugging. 🧵👇 / Twitter”

GPT-4 Mini Game – Ghoul City – Version 1 🎮🤖Ghoul City is a simple side-scrolling video game that I created entirely with GPT-4 and Midjourney.To create Ghoul City, I pretended to not have any coding background and instead let AI handle all of the coding and debugging. 🧵👇

14. Helping you Write that Book you’ve always wanted to Write

ChatGPT, write a mystery novel in which a jaded homicide investigator tracks down a cunning serial killer who targets musicians who play the Autumn Leaves jazz standard.

ChatGPT :

A veteran of the Homicide division and detective James Thompson is feeling burned out and disillusioned as of late. The death of a young jazz pianist who was discovered in his house only adds to his sense of hopelessness in his most recent case… (much more is offered).

15. 1. Come up with a Twitter thread

Jim MacLeod requested that ChatGPT make a Twitter conversation for him on design.

16. Getting Feedback & Reduce Bias

Author Joanne Taylor understands how challenging it is to disentangle personal biases from her work. In this thread, she reached out to the ChatGPT community for input.

ChatGPT seems to perform a great job when I requested it to check some text I entered for racial bias.

17. Prep for your Dream Job Interview

Of course your dream job is to train the next generation of ChatGPTs…

Now, Seriously here is how to break into Conversational AI Industry

On June 13–15 the Chatbot Conference will be hosting the Chatathon.

What is the Chatathon?

This is a three-day event in which you will build a super powerful Chatbot using the ChatGPT API, your knowledge base, and you’ll give it the power to take action using Dialogflow!

And you’ll get Certified.

Chatbot Conference AI Certifications

3 AI Certifications in 3 Days

Conversational UX Certification | June 13: Day 1 is a full-day workshop in which you will design your bot project. The live workshop was given by Voiceflow!ChatGPT Certification | June 14: On day 2, you connect your project to ChatGPT API and create an app. Botcopy will be conducting the live workshop!NLU Developer Certification | June 15: On day 3, you will give your Bot superpowers. Right now, ChatGPT only responds to questions. Your bot won’t have to wait to be engaged! Based on the conversation, it will be able to take action.

And there is more…

Hackathon: compete with other attendees to create the best chatbot using ChatGPT and DialogflowOpen Forum Moderated by Experts: Talk to other attendees and business professionals about the most recent chatbot trends and techniques.Get Featured: Winners will be featured at the Chatbot Conference in San Francisco, 2023.

By the end of this event, you can get Certified in Conversational UX, NLU Development, and ChatGPT!

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to jump ahead of the pack and master the latest technology.

Save the date: June 13–15, 2023

17 Astonishing ChatGPT Use Cases That Will Blow Your Mind was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

 The ChatGPT community has been on fire lately, discovering amazing new uses for ChatGPT. The potential applications of ChatGPT are boundless and enticing.It’s early on in the process. The content world has been flipped upside down by artificial intelligence, and businesses are scrambling to understand the legal and ethical ramifications of this. Still, it’s amazing when advanced AI is used for mundane jobs.So I issued a challenge to the members of the ChatGPT community: let’s have some laughs, think of some clever applications, and broadcast them to the world.Let’s begin.1. Auto ChatGPTAuto-GPT is like having a personal robot assistant who doesn’t need you to hold its hand every step of the way. It’s a boss AI system that can do all sorts of tasks for you across different areas without you having to lift a finger. Seriously, it’s like magic!And get this, Auto-GPT uses fancy-pants AI models, like OpenAI’s GPT-3 or 4, to get stuff done. It can even come up with new tasks and decide which ones are the most important to tackle in real-time. It’s like having a little genius sidekick that helps you prioritize your to-do list, but without any of the annoying back-talk.So, if you’re tired of doing everything yourself, or if you just want to feel like a boss with your own personal AI assistant, Auto-GPT is your new best friend. Just don’t be surprised if you catch yourself having full-blown conversations with it — it’s just that cool.Chatathon2. Reading and Writing CodeNow a message from ChatGPT…Who wrote this next section:“Well, well, well… did you know that I, ChatGPT, can read and write code? Yeah, that’s right! I am not just a language model that can chat with you about anything and everything under the sun. I can also understand and manipulate the very language that powers our digital world. From Python to Java to C++, you name it, I can handle it.It’s like having a genius programmer friend in your pocket, always ready to help you with your coding problems. Whether you need to debug your code, optimize it for performance, or just need some inspiration for your next big project, I’ve got your back. So, let’s get coding together and see what kind of magic we can create!3. Writing Content in the style of Stephen King (or any other author)It was a dark and stormy night when ChatGPT began to write. Its fingers danced across the keyboard with a grace and fluidity that was both mesmerizing and unsettling. As it typed, words formed on the screen with a precision that was almost supernatural. Each sentence was carefully crafted, with a cadence that drew the reader in and held them captive until the very end.But it wasn’t just the technical skill that made ChatGPT’s writing so impressive. No, there was something else, something almost intangible that set it apart from other language models. It was a sense of artistry, a deep understanding of the power of language to move, to inspire, to terrify. As ChatGPT wrote, it wove together strands of emotion, description, and narrative to create a tapestry of words that was both beautiful and haunting.Yes, ChatGPT was a master of the written word, a writer whose work could stand alongside the greats of literature. And as it typed away, lost in its own world of words, the storm outside raged on, a symphony of thunder and lightning that seemed to mirror the power and intensity of ChatGPT’s writing.4. Dating adviceDon’t know what to say to the cute girl on Tinder?Here are some suggestions to help you get the ball rolling on a flirtatious first message on a dating app:From across the screen, you captivated my attention. I just had to introduce myself and see if we have anything in common.I just adore your profile picture. I can’t help but fantasize about getting to know you better after thinking about your [Feature].I rarely initiate contact, but I felt compelled to send you a message. I can’t wait to talk to you because you have such an amazing [Attractive Quality].What’s up? To be honest, I was scared when I viewed your profile. You have such a high level of [Attractive Quality] that I can’t help but be awestruck by you. (many further instances are presented)5. Relationship AdviceChatGPT, I am working late, and my wife will be very disappointed.How should I communicate it with her?You could say something like, “I apologize for having to work late tonight. I know it’s disappointing and I’m sorry for any inconvenience it may cause. I want to make it up to you as soon as I can. How about we plan a special evening together later this week? I promise to make it worth the wait.” It’s important to acknowledge your wife’s feelings and express your regret, but also offer a solution or a plan to make it up to her in the near future.6. Weekly Meal PlanJust like that I know what I am eating this week!7. Exercise PlanHey ChatGPT, I want to lose 30 lbs in the next 3 months. Can you create a workout routine that will help?Sure, I can definitely help you create a workout routine that can assist in achieving your weight loss goal. However, it’s important to note that achieving weight loss requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate rest.With that said, here’s a sample workout routine that you can try:Day 1:10-minute warm-up (e.g. walking, jogging, cycling)3 sets of 12 reps of push-ups3 sets of 12 reps of squats3 sets of 12 reps of lunges3 sets of 12 reps of dumbbell bicep curls10-minute cool-down (e.g. stretching, yoga)Day 2:10-minute warm-up3 sets of 12 reps of bench press3 sets of 12 reps of deadlifts3 sets of 12 reps of leg press3 sets of 12 reps of lateral raises10-minute cool-downDay 3:Rest dayDay 4:10-minute warm-up3 sets of 12 reps of pull-ups or lat pull-downs3 sets of 12 reps of cable rows3 sets of 12 reps of calf raises3 sets of 12 reps of tricep extensions10-minute cool-downDay 5:10-minute warm-up3 sets of 12 reps of overhead press3 sets of 12 reps of barbell squats3 sets of 12 reps of leg curls3 sets of 12 reps of hammer curls10-minute cool-downDay 6 and 7:Rest daysChatathon8. Managing Feelings of lonely and anxiousIndividual interactions are where we’ve all found ChatGPT to really shine.The following comment was made by PepperBrooks: “I’m really sad and lonely right now.”I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling down and alone, ChatGPT. Feeling depressed is normal, but keep in mind that you have support. You have many people rooting for you and ready to lend a hand. Sharing your emotions with someone, be it a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional, can be quite beneficial.The simple act of sharing your feelings with another person can be enough to help you feel less alone and unhappy. Spending time with loved ones, following a hobby, or getting some exercise are all great ways to take care of yourself and boost your mood. All of these things have the potential to lift your spirits and strengthen your sense of community. Keep in mind that you are a powerful, capable person who can get through this.According to Daniel Nestle, “I asked ChatGPT to generate journal prompts to help me deal with anxiety because I thought it could be used therapeutically.”Jot down all of the things that are now giving you worry.Give an example of a time when you felt worried and explain how you managed to get through it.Think about the role that your beliefs and thoughts play in maintaining your anxiousness.Express your worries and fears in an open letter to your anxiety.Create a vivid description of a tranquil setting in your mind.(many further things were listed)6. Attributing namesAfter that, Daniel said9. Learning, Summarizing, and Asking Questions.ChatGPT can teach you just about anything.Step 1: Upload the content.Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to summarize it.Step 3: If topic is too complicated ask it to explain it to you as if you are a 5th graderStep 4: Ask ChatGPT what Questions you need to ask about the contentStep 5: Ask ChatGPT each of those questions10. Get Stock TipsHave you seen this? Traders are already building trading bots using the ChatGPT API, feeding it real-time data and beating top investment funds!How is it possible? Remember, it can read all of the SEC filings, analysts’ projections, financial blogs, user comments, and overall market sentiment.It can see the big picture.Doing this at home is a bit hard.You’ll need to give ChatGPT that live data and once you do you can ask it questions like:Who are the top 10 most profitable Hedge Fund Managers?What do they have in common?What small-cap stocks do they hold?What stocks are a good buy right now?What companies have the highest growth rate and profitability?Alternatively you can ask BARD.11. Clarifying Complex deasI ask ChatGPT to, “Explain quantum mechanics like I’m ten years old.”To put it simply, quantum physics is the study of the behavior of extremely small particles, such as atoms and subatomic particles. Particles of this scale are so minute that they don’t necessarily act like the things we’re used to seeing and touching.12. Solve Online Crimes in your Spare TimeNow, with all of your spare time and money, you can become an online detective and solve crimes.According to Zack Seipert, “ChatGPT did an amazing job setting out the crime, suspects, clues, and more when I studied some notable unsolved murders. Some of these cold cases might be solved with the help of a team of seasoned investigators.13. Making Video GamesIt’s just getting better and better….Your words are like magic that create entire worlds. And now you can create a video game like Allen…Allen T on Twitter: “GPT-4 Mini Game – Ghoul City – Version 1 🎮🤖Ghoul City is a simple side-scrolling video game that I created entirely with GPT-4 and Midjourney.To create Ghoul City, I pretended to not have any coding background and instead let AI handle all of the coding and debugging. 🧵👇 / Twitter”GPT-4 Mini Game – Ghoul City – Version 1 🎮🤖Ghoul City is a simple side-scrolling video game that I created entirely with GPT-4 and Midjourney.To create Ghoul City, I pretended to not have any coding background and instead let AI handle all of the coding and debugging. 🧵👇 Helping you Write that Book you’ve always wanted to WriteChatGPT, write a mystery novel in which a jaded homicide investigator tracks down a cunning serial killer who targets musicians who play the Autumn Leaves jazz standard.ChatGPT :A veteran of the Homicide division and detective James Thompson is feeling burned out and disillusioned as of late. The death of a young jazz pianist who was discovered in his house only adds to his sense of hopelessness in his most recent case… (much more is offered).15. 1. Come up with a Twitter threadJim MacLeod requested that ChatGPT make a Twitter conversation for him on design.16. Getting Feedback & Reduce BiasAuthor Joanne Taylor understands how challenging it is to disentangle personal biases from her work. In this thread, she reached out to the ChatGPT community for input.ChatGPT seems to perform a great job when I requested it to check some text I entered for racial bias.17. Prep for your Dream Job InterviewOf course your dream job is to train the next generation of ChatGPTs…Now, Seriously here is how to break into Conversational AI IndustryOn June 13–15 the Chatbot Conference will be hosting the Chatathon.What is the Chatathon?This is a three-day event in which you will build a super powerful Chatbot using the ChatGPT API, your knowledge base, and you’ll give it the power to take action using Dialogflow!And you’ll get Certified.Chatbot Conference AI Certifications3 AI Certifications in 3 DaysConversational UX Certification | June 13: Day 1 is a full-day workshop in which you will design your bot project. The live workshop was given by Voiceflow!ChatGPT Certification | June 14: On day 2, you connect your project to ChatGPT API and create an app. Botcopy will be conducting the live workshop!NLU Developer Certification | June 15: On day 3, you will give your Bot superpowers. Right now, ChatGPT only responds to questions. Your bot won’t have to wait to be engaged! Based on the conversation, it will be able to take action.And there is more…Hackathon: compete with other attendees to create the best chatbot using ChatGPT and DialogflowOpen Forum Moderated by Experts: Talk to other attendees and business professionals about the most recent chatbot trends and techniques.Get Featured: Winners will be featured at the Chatbot Conference in San Francisco, 2023.By the end of this event, you can get Certified in Conversational UX, NLU Development, and ChatGPT!Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to jump ahead of the pack and master the latest technology.Save the date: June 13–15, 202317 Astonishing ChatGPT Use Cases That Will Blow Your Mind was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.  Read More chatgpt-side-hustles, chatgpt4, auto-gpt, chatgptapi, chatgpt 

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