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How to Build Your Customer Service Chatbot Devashish Datt Mamgain Chatbots Life – Medium

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Customer service is the cornerstone of any business and what sets it apart from the competition. A customer service chatbot is programmed with pre-saved responses that help in saving time for both the customer as well as the organization. It also uses yeah the personal information of a customer to make emotional and effective conversations.

It was found out in research that around 72% of customers expect the organization to know about their choices and inclination in advance. This is the area where customer service chatbots can help in augmenting in an organization. These chatbots are capable of communicating in multiple languages, which also helps in creating niche customer segments.

To help you understand the process of setting up a good customer service chatbot, let me quickly run you through the basic jargon:

1. Intent: Recognizing what the user is looking for as will help in saving the time of both the customer as well as the organization by targeting the exact requirement.

2. Expressions: How is the customer reacting, positive, negative, or neutral? The sentiment analysis will help the chatbot in responding to the customer in an emotionally responsible way.

3. DialogStates: Structure how your bot can answer the query. This is a great way of ensuring responsible behavior from your chatbot, as all the replies or pre-saved from your end.

4. Bot Replies: The actual answer of the bots.

5. NLP: AI focussed technique to improve the overall interaction capabilities of the bot. Natural language processing helps the chatbot in detecting the tone of the customer. If a customer is angry, sad, or happy, the chatbot will respond in a way that complies with their mental state.

What is a customer service chatbot?

A customer service chatbot is an AI-powered interactive chatbot used to answer your customers’ queries. The range of such queries includes, “How many users can I add?”, “How much do you charge?”, “How can we integrate with Dialogflow?” and more.

Such answers are often answered with the help of your website’s knowledge base or FAQ page. They recognize users’ intent and respond with the right answers. With time these bots get trained and recognize diverse forms of the same questions and respond using your preferred voice and tone.

These chatbots can give relevant answers without taking much time. They can comprehend questions in multiple forms and give instant responses keeping the customer’s mood in mind. Customer service chatbots are extremely emotionally sensitive and responsible. Also, they do not have emotions of their own, so you cannot expect them to display rude behavior toward the customer. Today around 50% of customers don’t care whether they’re interacting with a chatbot or a human executive. You will need fewer people in your support team by deploying more bots. You can use this manpower in the other required areas that can benefit you and your business in multiple ways.

Get Certified in ChatGPT + Conversational UX + Dialogflow

Why do you need a customer service chatbot?

Many of us would have heard the myth about bots replacing customer service agents; the answer is No! These bots now complement these agents to help them do their job better.

Next, here are the main reasons you should build your customer service chatbot

1. Understanding workflows

They can be significant in understanding these interactions and can manage repetitive workflows.

2. Solving simple queries

Chatbots can handle simple queries without any significant hurdles. They have pre-saved information and responses that lead to the promptness of responses. The queries and problems of the customers will be solved within minutes.

3. Multi-lingual support

Today’s businesses are global, and understanding every user is imperative. With multi-lingual support, you can take your first step. Chat boards can communicate in multiple languages. It also gives a personal touch that attaches an emotional tangent to the business. Customers end up purchasing products and services because of the same reason.

4. Seamless integration

They can provide support across multiple channels like websites, apps, social platforms, and more. Customer service starts both support seamless integration of various messaging platforms. The right balance between all the communication channels is the best way of delivering quality services to your customers.

5. Instant support

They are present 24/7 and offer instant support. Your customers will not have to wait for long intervals of time before getting support. Typically a business loses 75% of its customers because of long waiting times to get solutions to their queries. With a chatbot, your customers will not have to wait for more than a few minutes. Their problems will be resolved within a matter of a few minutes. It will help in improving your customer retention rate. They can answer the most difficult questions without taking much time.

6. Scalability

If your business is customer-centric and you are facing a problem with scalability, then chatbots can help you solve this problem. Chatbots help in enhancing the customer service experience and are also economical. They can handle multiple customers at a time without getting confused. The work efficiency is also maintained, and you do not have to spend extra money to employ new staff with increasing customers.

7. Customer acquisition cost

With customer service chatbots, you save a lot of money, and your customer acquisition cost will significantly reduce. Furthermore, investing in artificial intelligence and chatbots enhances customer experience and saves your business money.

8. Feedback

You can also get real-time feedback from your customers and can use it to implement it in your business. It can make revolutionary changes, and you can evolve into a better organization. Constantly evolving as an organization is crucial to sustain in the competitive market. The best way a company can improve is by taking critical feedback from the customers seriously and making significant changes.

9. Quality responses

The quality of responses from a chatbot is exemplary. Chatbots take extreme care of language and tone. They can answer queries in a way that is prompt, precise, and respectable. These are the three qualities that customers look for in executives.

10. More efficiency

Chatbots can make the service and support team more productive by taking up smaller tasks. By doing so, the support agents are given more time to focus on the bigger agendas in the organization.

11. Understanding the loopholes

It has been found that three in every five millennials have used chatbots at least once in their lives. This signifies that people are open to using chatbots and even have become habitual to them. The best way you can calculate the growth of your company is by measuring the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) or the Net Promoter Score (NSP). These are two metrics that will help you in monitoring the growth of your company. A chatbot can help you calculate these metrics and understand your loopholes to make significant improvements.

12. Less frustration from IVR systems

Most customers do not like using interactive voice response systems on phone calls. According to them, it is a tedious task to press buttons actively and might sometimes become confusing. These calls mostly take customers to the wrong ends and lack any personal touch. Chatbots can avoid this problem by saving the organization time and offering apt and personal responses to customers.

Pro Tip: customer service chatbots can be used as an experience prompter based on multiple parameters and ensure targeted messaging.

How can you build your customer service chatbot?

Here is a short video on getting started and automating the process.

How to use chatbots to connect with customers efficiently

It is essential to use customer service chatbots properly to see favorable results. You can use chatbots to respond to your customers on time. This will enhance their satisfaction, and they will return to you to retake your products and services. It is especially beneficial for sectors like entertainment, retail, and health. Customer service chatbots are also helpful in enhancing your image and targeting new customer segments.

Customer service chatbots have the capability of answering 70% of the FAQ questions asked from the customer end. They also respond quickly to queries of customers eliminating any waiting period. 75% of customers expect a response within five minutes of submitting their queries. This is possible only with the help of chatbots, as human executives cannot respond to multiple queries from customers within such a short time window.

Building Your Bot

With Kompose, you can build your customer’s service bot in 4 simple steps. If you don’t have Kompose a/c, please sign up here for a free trial.

1. Create your welcome message

Create your personalized welcome message based on your strategy and ensure every user loves returning to your web/mobile app.

2. Define your answers based on intent

With your bot, you can work on creating your replies or taking a few more inputs before replying to your users.

3. Make it interactive and humanly

Compose offers one of the unique features which ensure we have the most human-like interaction as the receiver is always a human. Allow your users to have a small chit-chat now and then.

Learn more about Chatbot Builder.

Best Chatbots for Customers

There are a lot of customer service chatbots in the market. Here is a list of the best customer service chatbots you can get for your organization.

There are a lot of customer service chatbots in the market. Here is a list of the best customer service chatbots you can get for your organization.

1. Kommunicate

Kommunicate is one of the best customer service chatbots in the market. It is a versatile yet affordable chatbot that can reduce your operational costs and enhance customer service rates.

2. Hubspot chatbot builder

Hubspot chatbot builder is a chatbot that comes with the facility of live chat software. It can help you book meetings, ticketing, linking self-service, support, articles, and whatnot. It is connected to other tools to help your organization with marketing, sales, and other services.

3. Zowie

This chatbot is capable of giving instant answers to the queries of customers in around 40 languages. You do not need to learn extensive coding to use this chatbot, and it has seamless integration with several messaging platforms. Platforms range from WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Shopify.

4. TBold 360

The TBold 360 service chatbot is not just limited to pre-written scripts. It uses natural language processing to give intelligent answers and offers personalized conversations to users.

5. Intercom

Intercom provides services such as customer engagement and customer support that are extremely beneficial for a company to target different market segments. This tool comes with a special app variant for both iOS and Android, which makes it very flexible.

Wrapping up

Customer service chatbots can add many things to an organization and make it more output-friendly. You will see substantial changes after incorporating a customer service chatbot in your organization, as it can help you connect with your customers more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. The current satisfaction score of chatbots is 28% which means that there is still a long way to go before Chatbots can entirely take over the responsibilities of human executives. However, this doesn’t mean that we should deny their efficiency. Lastly, it is very important to choose the right kind of chatbot for your organization. The chatbot choice can make a huge impact, so make sure you take it wisely.

At Kommunicate, we envision a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you on board to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup here and start delighting your customers right away.

Originally published at on January 22, 2021.

Chatathon by Chatbot Conference

How to Build Your Customer Service Chatbot was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

 Customer service is the cornerstone of any business and what sets it apart from the competition. A customer service chatbot is programmed with pre-saved responses that help in saving time for both the customer as well as the organization. It also uses yeah the personal information of a customer to make emotional and effective conversations.It was found out in research that around 72% of customers expect the organization to know about their choices and inclination in advance. This is the area where customer service chatbots can help in augmenting in an organization. These chatbots are capable of communicating in multiple languages, which also helps in creating niche customer segments.To help you understand the process of setting up a good customer service chatbot, let me quickly run you through the basic jargon:1. Intent: Recognizing what the user is looking for as will help in saving the time of both the customer as well as the organization by targeting the exact requirement.2. Expressions: How is the customer reacting, positive, negative, or neutral? The sentiment analysis will help the chatbot in responding to the customer in an emotionally responsible way.3. DialogStates: Structure how your bot can answer the query. This is a great way of ensuring responsible behavior from your chatbot, as all the replies or pre-saved from your end.4. Bot Replies: The actual answer of the bots.5. NLP: AI focussed technique to improve the overall interaction capabilities of the bot. Natural language processing helps the chatbot in detecting the tone of the customer. If a customer is angry, sad, or happy, the chatbot will respond in a way that complies with their mental state.What is a customer service chatbot?A customer service chatbot is an AI-powered interactive chatbot used to answer your customers’ queries. The range of such queries includes, “How many users can I add?”, “How much do you charge?”, “How can we integrate with Dialogflow?” and more.Such answers are often answered with the help of your website’s knowledge base or FAQ page. They recognize users’ intent and respond with the right answers. With time these bots get trained and recognize diverse forms of the same questions and respond using your preferred voice and tone.These chatbots can give relevant answers without taking much time. They can comprehend questions in multiple forms and give instant responses keeping the customer’s mood in mind. Customer service chatbots are extremely emotionally sensitive and responsible. Also, they do not have emotions of their own, so you cannot expect them to display rude behavior toward the customer. Today around 50% of customers don’t care whether they’re interacting with a chatbot or a human executive. You will need fewer people in your support team by deploying more bots. You can use this manpower in the other required areas that can benefit you and your business in multiple ways.Get Certified in ChatGPT + Conversational UX + DialogflowWhy do you need a customer service chatbot?Many of us would have heard the myth about bots replacing customer service agents; the answer is No! These bots now complement these agents to help them do their job better.Next, here are the main reasons you should build your customer service chatbot1. Understanding workflowsThey can be significant in understanding these interactions and can manage repetitive workflows.2. Solving simple queriesChatbots can handle simple queries without any significant hurdles. They have pre-saved information and responses that lead to the promptness of responses. The queries and problems of the customers will be solved within minutes.3. Multi-lingual supportToday’s businesses are global, and understanding every user is imperative. With multi-lingual support, you can take your first step. Chat boards can communicate in multiple languages. It also gives a personal touch that attaches an emotional tangent to the business. Customers end up purchasing products and services because of the same reason.4. Seamless integrationThey can provide support across multiple channels like websites, apps, social platforms, and more. Customer service starts both support seamless integration of various messaging platforms. The right balance between all the communication channels is the best way of delivering quality services to your customers.5. Instant supportThey are present 24/7 and offer instant support. Your customers will not have to wait for long intervals of time before getting support. Typically a business loses 75% of its customers because of long waiting times to get solutions to their queries. With a chatbot, your customers will not have to wait for more than a few minutes. Their problems will be resolved within a matter of a few minutes. It will help in improving your customer retention rate. They can answer the most difficult questions without taking much time.6. ScalabilityIf your business is customer-centric and you are facing a problem with scalability, then chatbots can help you solve this problem. Chatbots help in enhancing the customer service experience and are also economical. They can handle multiple customers at a time without getting confused. The work efficiency is also maintained, and you do not have to spend extra money to employ new staff with increasing customers.7. Customer acquisition costWith customer service chatbots, you save a lot of money, and your customer acquisition cost will significantly reduce. Furthermore, investing in artificial intelligence and chatbots enhances customer experience and saves your business money.8. FeedbackYou can also get real-time feedback from your customers and can use it to implement it in your business. It can make revolutionary changes, and you can evolve into a better organization. Constantly evolving as an organization is crucial to sustain in the competitive market. The best way a company can improve is by taking critical feedback from the customers seriously and making significant changes.9. Quality responsesThe quality of responses from a chatbot is exemplary. Chatbots take extreme care of language and tone. They can answer queries in a way that is prompt, precise, and respectable. These are the three qualities that customers look for in executives.10. More efficiencyChatbots can make the service and support team more productive by taking up smaller tasks. By doing so, the support agents are given more time to focus on the bigger agendas in the organization.11. Understanding the loopholesIt has been found that three in every five millennials have used chatbots at least once in their lives. This signifies that people are open to using chatbots and even have become habitual to them. The best way you can calculate the growth of your company is by measuring the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) or the Net Promoter Score (NSP). These are two metrics that will help you in monitoring the growth of your company. A chatbot can help you calculate these metrics and understand your loopholes to make significant improvements.12. Less frustration from IVR systemsMost customers do not like using interactive voice response systems on phone calls. According to them, it is a tedious task to press buttons actively and might sometimes become confusing. These calls mostly take customers to the wrong ends and lack any personal touch. Chatbots can avoid this problem by saving the organization time and offering apt and personal responses to customers.Pro Tip: customer service chatbots can be used as an experience prompter based on multiple parameters and ensure targeted messaging.How can you build your customer service chatbot?Here is a short video on getting started and automating the process.How to use chatbots to connect with customers efficientlyIt is essential to use customer service chatbots properly to see favorable results. You can use chatbots to respond to your customers on time. This will enhance their satisfaction, and they will return to you to retake your products and services. It is especially beneficial for sectors like entertainment, retail, and health. Customer service chatbots are also helpful in enhancing your image and targeting new customer segments.Customer service chatbots have the capability of answering 70% of the FAQ questions asked from the customer end. They also respond quickly to queries of customers eliminating any waiting period. 75% of customers expect a response within five minutes of submitting their queries. This is possible only with the help of chatbots, as human executives cannot respond to multiple queries from customers within such a short time window.Building Your BotWith Kompose, you can build your customer’s service bot in 4 simple steps. If you don’t have Kompose a/c, please sign up here for a free trial.1. Create your welcome messageCreate your personalized welcome message based on your strategy and ensure every user loves returning to your web/mobile app.2. Define your answers based on intentWith your bot, you can work on creating your replies or taking a few more inputs before replying to your users.3. Make it interactive and humanlyCompose offers one of the unique features which ensure we have the most human-like interaction as the receiver is always a human. Allow your users to have a small chit-chat now and then.Learn more about Chatbot Builder.Best Chatbots for CustomersThere are a lot of customer service chatbots in the market. Here is a list of the best customer service chatbots you can get for your organization.There are a lot of customer service chatbots in the market. Here is a list of the best customer service chatbots you can get for your organization.1. KommunicateKommunicate is one of the best customer service chatbots in the market. It is a versatile yet affordable chatbot that can reduce your operational costs and enhance customer service rates.2. Hubspot chatbot builderHubspot chatbot builder is a chatbot that comes with the facility of live chat software. It can help you book meetings, ticketing, linking self-service, support, articles, and whatnot. It is connected to other tools to help your organization with marketing, sales, and other services.3. ZowieThis chatbot is capable of giving instant answers to the queries of customers in around 40 languages. You do not need to learn extensive coding to use this chatbot, and it has seamless integration with several messaging platforms. Platforms range from WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Shopify.4. TBold 360The TBold 360 service chatbot is not just limited to pre-written scripts. It uses natural language processing to give intelligent answers and offers personalized conversations to users.5. IntercomIntercom provides services such as customer engagement and customer support that are extremely beneficial for a company to target different market segments. This tool comes with a special app variant for both iOS and Android, which makes it very flexible.Wrapping upCustomer service chatbots can add many things to an organization and make it more output-friendly. You will see substantial changes after incorporating a customer service chatbot in your organization, as it can help you connect with your customers more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. The current satisfaction score of chatbots is 28% which means that there is still a long way to go before Chatbots can entirely take over the responsibilities of human executives. However, this doesn’t mean that we should deny their efficiency. Lastly, it is very important to choose the right kind of chatbot for your organization. The chatbot choice can make a huge impact, so make sure you take it wisely.At Kommunicate, we envision a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you on board to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup here and start delighting your customers right away.Originally published at on January 22, 2021.Chatathon by Chatbot ConferenceHow to Build Your Customer Service Chatbot was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.  Read More ai-chatbot-development, ai-chatbot-online, ai-chat-bot, bots, chatbots 

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