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RoomDreamer: Text-Driven 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis with Coherent Geometry and Texture Apple Machine Learning Research

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​The techniques for 3D indoor scene capturing are widely used, but the meshes produced leave much to be desired. In this paper, we propose “RoomDreamer”, which leverages powerful natural language to synthesize a new room with a different style. Unlike existing image synthesis methods, our work addresses the challenge of synthesizing both geometry and texture aligned to the input scene structure and prompt simultaneously. The key insight is that a scene should be treated as a whole, taking into account both scene texture and geometry. The proposed framework consists of two significant… The techniques for 3D indoor scene capturing are widely used, but the meshes produced leave much to be desired. In this paper, we propose “RoomDreamer”, which leverages powerful natural language to synthesize a new room with a different style. Unlike existing image synthesis methods, our work addresses the challenge of synthesizing both geometry and texture aligned to the input scene structure and prompt simultaneously. The key insight is that a scene should be treated as a whole, taking into account both scene texture and geometry. The proposed framework consists of two significant…  Read More  

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