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Watch and Learn Little Robot: This AI Approach Teaches Robots Generalizable Manipulation Using Human Video Demonstrations Ekrem Çetinkaya Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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Robots have always been at the center of attention in the tech landscape. They always found a place in sci-fi movies, kid shows, books, dystopian novels, etc. Not so long ago, they were just sci-fi dreams, but now they’re all over the place, reshaping industries and giving us a glimpse into the future. From factories to outer space, robots are taking center stage, showing off their precision and adaptability like never before. 

The main goal in the landscape of robotics has always been the same: mirror human dexterity. The quest for refining manipulation capabilities to mirror humans has led to exciting developments. Significant advancement has been made through the integration of eye-in-hand cameras, either as complements or substitutes for conventional static third-person cameras.

While eye-in-hand cameras hold immense potential, they do not guarantee error-free outcomes. Vision-based models often struggle with the real world’s fluctuations, such as changing backgrounds, variable lighting, and changing object appearances, leading to fragility. 

To tackle this challenge, a new set of generalization techniques have emerged recently. Instead of relying on vision data, teach robots certain action policies using diverse robot demonstration datasets. It works to some extent, but there is a major catch. It’s expensive, really expensive. Collecting such data in a real robot setup means time-consuming tasks like kinesthetic teaching or robot teleoperation through VR headsets or joysticks.

Do we really need to rely on this expensive dataset? Since the main goal of robots is to mimic humans, why can we not just use human demonstration videos? These videos of humans doing tasks offer a more cost-effective solution due to the agility of humans. Doing so enables capturing multiple demos without constant robot resets, hardware debugging, or arduous repositioning. This raises the intriguing possibility of leveraging human video demonstrations to enhance the generalization abilities of vision-centric robotic manipulators, at scale. 

However, bridging the gap between human and robot realms isn’t a walk in the park. The dissimilarities in appearance between humans and robots introduce a distribution shift that needs careful consideration. Let us meet with new research, Giving Robots a Hand, that bridges this gap. 

Existing methods, employing third-person camera viewpoints, have tackled this challenge with domain adaptation strategies involving image translations, domain-invariant visual representations, and even leveraging keypoint information about human and robot states.

Overview of Giving Robots a Hand. Source:

In contrast, Giving Robots a Hand takes a refreshingly straightforward route: masking a consistent portion of each image, effectively concealing the human hand or robotic end-effector. This straightforward method sidesteps the need for elaborate domain adaptation techniques, allowing robots to learn manipulation policies from human videos directly. Consequently, it solves issues arising from explicit domain adaptation methods, like glaring visual inconsistencies stemming from human-to-robot image translations.

The proposed method can train robots to perform a variety of tasks. Source:

The key aspect of Giving Robots a Hand lies in the method’s exploration. A method that integrates the wide-ranging eye-in-hand human video demonstrations to enhance both environment and task generalization. It achieves amazing performance across a range of real-world robotic manipulation tasks, encompassing reaching, grasping, pick-and-place, cube stacking, plate clearing, toy packing, etc. The proposed method improves the generalization significantly. It empowers policies to adapt to unfamiliar environments and novel tasks that weren’t witnessed during robot demonstrations. An average surge of 58% in absolute success rates in uncharted environments and tasks becomes evident, as compared to policies solely trained on robot demonstrations.

Check out the Paper. All Credit For This Research Goes To the Researchers on This Project. Also, don’t forget to join our 29k+ ML SubReddit, 40k+ Facebook Community, Discord Channel, and Email Newsletter, where we share the latest AI research news, cool AI projects, and more.

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The post Watch and Learn Little Robot: This AI Approach Teaches Robots Generalizable Manipulation Using Human Video Demonstrations appeared first on MarkTechPost.

 Robots have always been at the center of attention in the tech landscape. They always found a place in sci-fi movies, kid shows, books, dystopian novels, etc. Not so long ago, they were just sci-fi dreams, but now they’re all over the place, reshaping industries and giving us a glimpse into the future. From factories
The post Watch and Learn Little Robot: This AI Approach Teaches Robots Generalizable Manipulation Using Human Video Demonstrations appeared first on MarkTechPost.  Read More AI Paper Summary, AI Shorts, Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Editors Pick, Machine Learning, Robotics, Staff, Tech News, Technology, Uncategorized 

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