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Python Remove Multiple Characters From String Malli Spark By {Examples}

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How to remove multiple characters from a string in Python? Removing multiple characters from a string involves deleting specific characters from the original string to create a modified version without those characters. The implementation may vary depending on the programming language or text manipulation tools.

You can remove multiple characters from a string in Python using many ways, for example, by using translate(), regex, replace(), and filter() & join() methods. In this article, I will explain how to remove multiple characters from a string by using all these methods with examples.

Related: You can also remove the specified character from a Python string.

1. Quick Examples of Removing Multiple Characters From String

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of removing multiple characters from a string.

# Quick examples of removing multiple characters from string

# Initialize the string
string = “Welcome to sparkbyexamples”

# Example 1: Using translate() function
# Remove multiple characters from the string
characters_to_remove = [‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, ‘ ‘]
translation_table = str.maketrans(”, ”, ”.join(characters_to_remove))
result = string.translate(translation_table)

# Example 2: Using regex
# Remove multiple characters from the string
characters_to_remove = [‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, ‘ ‘]
pattern = ‘[‘ + ”.join(characters_to_remove) + ‘]’
result = re.sub(pattern, ”, string)

# Example 3: Initialize the string
string = “Welcome:to;sparkbyexamples!”
print(“Original string:”,string)

# Using replace() method
# Remove special characters from the string
spe_char_to_remove = [‘:’, ‘;’, ‘!’]
for character in spe_char_to_remove:
string = string.replace(character, ”)

# Example 4: Using filter() and join() methods
characters_to_remove = [‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, ‘ ‘]
filtered_characters = filter(lambda x: x not in characters_to_remove, string)
result = ”.join(filtered_characters)

2. Remove Multiple Characters from the String Using translate()

You can remove multiple characters from a string using the translate() function. In the below example, first, the original string is defined as “Welcome to sparkbyexamples”. The characters_to_remove list contains characters ‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, and space (‘ ‘), these are the characters that you want to remove from the string.

The str.maketrans() function creates a translation table, which is used by the translate() function to remove the specified characters from the string. The translation table is created by joining all characters from the characters_to_remove list into a single string. The translate() function is then called on the original string with the created translation table as an argument, which removes the specified characters from the string.

Related: In Python, you can remove the first character or the last character of the string.

# Initialize the string
string = “Welcome to sparkbyexamples”
print(“Original string:”,string)

# Using translate() function
# Remove multiple characters from the string
characters_to_remove = [‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, ‘ ‘]
translation_table = str.maketrans(”, ”, ”.join(characters_to_remove))
result = string.translate(translation_table)
print(“The string after removing multiple characters:”,result)

Yields below output.

As you can see, all occurrences of characters ‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, and space (‘ ‘) have been removed from the original string.

3. Remove Multiple Characters from the String Using regex

To remove multiple characters from a string using regular expressions in Python, you can use the re.sub() function from the re module. This function allows you to replace patterns (in this case, characters) with an empty string, effectively removing them from the string.

In the below example, the re.sub() function along with a regular expression pattern to remove multiple characters from the string string. The regular expression pattern is created by joining the characters from the characters_to_remove list and enclosing them within square brackets […]. This pattern matches any of the characters within the brackets and then substitutes them with an empty string, effectively removing them from the original string.

Yields the same output as above.

import re

# Initialize the string
string = “Welcome to sparkbyexamples”
print(“Original string:”,string)

# Using regex
# Remove multiple characters from the string
characters_to_remove = [‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, ‘ ‘]
pattern = ‘[‘ + ”.join(characters_to_remove) + ‘]’
result = re.sub(pattern, ”, string)
print(“The string after removing multiple characters:”,result)

4. Remove Special Characters from Python String Using replace()

To remove multiple special characters from a string using the replace() function. First, you can iterate over all the characters to be deleted and, for each character, pass it to the replace() function along with an empty string as the replacement. This effectively removes all occurrences of the specified characters from the original string.

Related: In Python you can remove a substring from a string.

# Initialize the string
string = “Welcome:to;sparkbyexamples!”
print(“Original string:”,string)

# Using replace() method
# Remove special characters from the string
spe_char_to_remove = [‘:’, ‘;’, ‘!’]

for character in spe_char_to_remove:
string = string.replace(character, ”)
print(“The string after removing multiple characters:”,string)

# Output:
# Original string: Welcome:to;sparkbyexamples!
# The string after removing multiple characters: Welcometosparkbyexamples

5. Using filter() and join() Methods

You can also use the filter() function along with the join() method to remove multiple characters from a string. The filter() function filters out the characters you want to remove, and then you can use the join() method to concatenate the remaining characters into a new string.

In the below example, the filter() function is used with a lambda function to check if each character is not in the characters_to_remove list. It filters out the characters that are not present in the list. Then, the join() method is used to concatenate the filtered characters into a new string, which is stored in the result variable.

# Initialize the string
string = “Welcome to sparkbyexamples”
print(“Original string:”,string)

# Using filter() and join() methods
characters_to_remove = [‘e’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘W’, ‘ ‘]

# Use filter() to remove characters
filtered_characters = filter(lambda x: x not in characters_to_remove, string)

# Use join() to concatenate the filtered characters into a new string
result = ”.join(filtered_characters)
print(“The string after removing multiple characters:”, result)

Yields the same output as above.


In this article, I have explained how to remove multiple characters from a string in Python by using the translate(), regex, replace(), and filter() & join() methods with examples.

Happy Learning !!

 How to remove multiple characters from a string in Python? Removing multiple characters from a string involves deleting specific characters from the original string to create a modified version without those characters. The implementation may vary depending on the programming language or text manipulation tools. You can remove multiple characters from a string in Python  Read More Python, Python Tutorial, Pending review by admin, Python String Examples 

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