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Automatic Creative Selection with Cross-Modal Matching Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Application developers advertise their Apps by creating product pages with App images, and bidding on search terms. It is then crucial for App images to be highly relevant with the search terms. Solutions to this problem require an image-text matching model to predict the quality of the match between the chosen image and the search terms. In this work, we present a novel approach to matching an App image to search terms based on fine-tuning a pre-trained LXMERT model. We show that compared to the CLIP model and a baseline using a Transformer model for search terms, and a ResNet model for… Application developers advertise their Apps by creating product pages with App images, and bidding on search terms. It is then crucial for App images to be highly relevant with the search terms. Solutions to this problem require an image-text matching model to predict the quality of the match between the chosen image and the search terms. In this work, we present a novel approach to matching an App image to search terms based on fine-tuning a pre-trained LXMERT model. We show that compared to the CLIP model and a baseline using a Transformer model for search terms, and a ResNet model for…  Read More  

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