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Model-Driven Heart Rate Estimation and Heart Murmur Detection Based on Phonocardiogram Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Acoustic signals are crucial for health monitoring, particularly heart sounds which provide essential data like heart rate and detect cardiac anomalies such as murmurs. This study utilizes a publicly available phonocardiogram (PCG) dataset to estimate heart rate using model-driven methods and extends the best-performing model to a multi-task learning (MTL) framework for simultaneous heart rate estimation and murmur detection. Heart rate estimates are derived using a sliding window technique on heart sound snippets, analyzed with a combination of acoustic features (Mel spectrogram, cepstral… Acoustic signals are crucial for health monitoring, particularly heart sounds which provide essential data like heart rate and detect cardiac anomalies such as murmurs. This study utilizes a publicly available phonocardiogram (PCG) dataset to estimate heart rate using model-driven methods and extends the best-performing model to a multi-task learning (MTL) framework for simultaneous heart rate estimation and murmur detection. Heart rate estimates are derived using a sliding window technique on heart sound snippets, analyzed with a combination of acoustic features (Mel spectrogram, cepstral…  Read More  

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