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How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’ Hector Martinez PyImageSearch

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How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’

In this tutorial, you will learn about TensorFlow’s Gradient Tape.

To learn how to use tf.GradientTape, just keep reading.

Configuring Your Development Environment

To follow this guide, you need to have the TensorFlow library installed on your system.

Luckily, TensorFlow is pip-installable:

$ pip install tensorflow


TensorFlow’s tf.GradientTape is a powerful tool for automatic differentiation, enabling the computation of gradients for training machine learning models. This blog post will guide you through the basics of using tf.GradientTape, followed by a simple image classification example using the Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset and TensorFlow’s Keras API.

What Is tf.GradienTape?

tf.GradientTape is a context manager that records operations for automatic differentiation. This is particularly useful for custom training loops and gradient-based optimization.

Simple Example of tf.GradienTape

Before diving into the image classification example, let’s look at a simple example of using tf.GradientTape to compute gradients.

import tensorflow as tf

# Define a simple computation
x = tf.Variable(3.0)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y = x ** 2

# Compute the gradient of y with respect to x
grad = tape.gradient(y, x)
print(f’The gradient of y = x^2 with respect to x is {grad.numpy()}’) # Output: 6.0

This example demonstrates the basic usage of tf.GradientTape to compute the gradient of a function.

Image Classification with the COCO Dataset

Now, let’s move on to a more complex example: image classification using the COCO dataset and TensorFlow’s Keras API.

Prepare the Dataset

We’ll use TensorFlow Datasets to load the COCO dataset. For simplicity, we’ll use the CIFAR-10 dataset to demonstrate.

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

# Load the CIFAR-10 dataset
(ds_train, ds_test), ds_info = tfds.load(
split=[‘train’, ‘test’],

# Normalize the images
def normalize_img(image, label):
return tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0, label

ds_train =,
ds_train = ds_train.cache().shuffle(ds_info.splits[‘train’].num_examples).batch(32).prefetch(
ds_test =,
ds_test = ds_test.batch(32).cache().prefetch(

Define the Model

We’ll use a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the classification task.

from tensorflow.keras import layers, models

model = models.Sequential([
layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation=’relu’, input_shape=(32, 32, 3)),
layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)),
layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation=’relu’),
layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)),
layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation=’relu’),
layers.Dense(64, activation=’relu’),
layers.Dense(10) # 10 classes for CIFAR-10

model.compile(optimizer=’adam’, loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True), metrics=[‘accuracy’])

Train the Model Using

We’ll train the model using the Keras method, which abstracts away much of the complexity of training., epochs=5, validation_data=ds_test)

This approach simplifies the training process significantly. However, let’s incorporate tf.GradientTape for a custom training loop to demonstrate its flexibility and use.

Custom Training Loop with tf.GradientTape

For those interested in more control over the training process, here’s how you can use tf.GradientTape.

loss_object = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()

def train_step(images, labels):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
predictions = model(images, training=True)
loss = loss_object(labels, predictions)
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables))
return loss

# Custom training loop
for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
for images, labels in ds_train:
loss = train_step(images, labels)
print(f’Epoch {epoch + 1}, Loss: {loss.numpy()}’)

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In this blog post, we’ve seen how to use tf.GradientTape for custom training loops in TensorFlow, with a practical example using a simple CNN for image classification. We also demonstrated a straightforward approach using the method for training. This approach provides flexibility and control over the training process, which is essential for many advanced machine learning tasks.

Feel free to expand upon this example, experiment with different models, and apply it to the full COCO dataset for more complex image classification tasks. Happy coding!

Citation Information

Martinez, H. “How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’,” PyImageSearch, P. Chugh, A. R. Gosthipaty, S. Huot, K. Kidriavsteva, and R. Raha, eds., 2024,

author = {Hector Martinez},
title = {How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’},
booktitle = {PyImageSearch},
editor = {Puneet Chugh and Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Susan Huot and Kseniia Kidriavsteva and Ritwik Raha},
year = {2024},
url = {},

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The post How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’ appeared first on PyImageSearch.

“}]] [[{“value”:”Table of Contents How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’ Configuring Your Development Environment Introduction What Is tf.GradienTape? Simple Example of tf.GradienTape Image Classification with the COCO Dataset Prepare the Dataset Define the Model Train the Model Using Custom Training Loop with…
The post How to Use ‘tf.GradientTape’ appeared first on PyImageSearch.”}]]  Read More Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Python Programming, TensorFlow, Tutorial, automatic differentiation, backpropagation, deep learning, gradient computation, gradient tape, machine learning, Neural Networks, optimization, python, tensorflow, tutorial 

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