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On the Benefits of Pixel-Based Hierarchical Policies for Task Generalization Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Reinforcement learning practitioners often avoid hierarchical policies, especially in image-based observation spaces. Typically, the single-task performance improvement over flat-policy counterparts does not justify the additional complexity associated with implementing a hierarchy. However, by introducing multiple decision-making levels, hierarchical policies can compose lower-level policies to more effectively generalize between tasks, highlighting the need for multi-task evaluations. We analyze the benefits of hierarchy through simulated multi-task robotic control experiments from pixels… Reinforcement learning practitioners often avoid hierarchical policies, especially in image-based observation spaces. Typically, the single-task performance improvement over flat-policy counterparts does not justify the additional complexity associated with implementing a hierarchy. However, by introducing multiple decision-making levels, hierarchical policies can compose lower-level policies to more effectively generalize between tasks, highlighting the need for multi-task evaluations. We analyze the benefits of hierarchy through simulated multi-task robotic control experiments from pixels…  Read More  

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