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No Module Named ‘torch’ Hector Martinez PyImageSearch

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No Module Named torch

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get rid of the persistent “No module named torch” error.

If you’re a budding programmer, stumbling upon the error message “No module named ‘torch’” can be disheartening. But fear not! This error simply means your computer is missing a crucial tool called PyTorch. This powerful library empowers you to create all sorts of amazing things, especially in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Let’s break down how to get PyTorch up and running on your system step by step:

To learn how to get started by resolving torch errors, just keep reading.

Choose Your Flavor

Think of PyTorch as having different “flavors.” You have the following two main options.

Stable Release

The stable release (e.g., PyTorch 2.3.0) is the go-to choice for most users. It offers:

Thoroughly tested functionalityReliable performanceCompatibility with most PyTorch libraries and tutorials

Use Case: If you’re working on a production project or following along with most tutorials, the stable release is your best bet.

Preview (Nightly) Release

For the adventurous souls who want to live on the cutting edge, there’s the preview or nightly release. This version:

Includes the latest features and improvementsMight have some instabilities or bugsCould break compatibility with some libraries

Use Case: Researchers or developers who need the latest features or are contributing to PyTorch itself often opt for the nightly build.

Know Thy Operating System

PyTorch supports all major operating systems, but the installation process can vary slightly for each. Let’s break down the common options.


Linux is a favorite among developers and data scientists for its flexibility and powerful command-line tools.

Popular Distributions:


Use Case: Many machine learning workflows, especially those involving large-scale data processing or deployment, are run on Linux servers.


Apple’s macOS is known for its user-friendly interface and is popular among developers and creatives alike.


Intel-based MacsApple Silicon (M1/M2) Macs

Note: As of 2024, PyTorch has native support for Apple Silicon, offering significant performance improvements on M1 and M2 chips.


Windows is widely used in corporate environments and by many individual users.


Windows 10Windows 11

Note: While historically, PyTorch had some limitations on Windows, recent versions have dramatically improved Windows support.

Your Tool for the Job

Imagine a package manager like a software delivery service.

Package managers are essential tools for installing, upgrading, and removing software packages. For PyTorch, you have the following several options.


Conda is an open-source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Manages both Python and non-Python dependenciesCreates isolated environments easilyHandles GPU dependencies smoothly

Use Case: Conda is excellent for managing complex environments, especially when dealing with data science and machine learning libraries that have intricate dependencies.


Pip is the package installer for Python. It’s simple, widely used, and comes pre-installed with most Python distributions.


Lightweight and fastIntegrates seamlessly with virtual environmentsVast repository of Python packages

Use Case: Pip is great for Python-specific projects and when you want a minimalistic setup.


LibTorch is the C++ distribution of PyTorch.


Allows integration of PyTorch into C++ projectsUseful for production deployments where Python isn’t ideal

Use Case: LibTorch is typically used by advanced users who are integrating PyTorch models into larger C++ applications or embedded systems.

How You’ll Talk to PyTorch

We’ll assume you’re using Python (a great language for beginners!). If you want to learn more about Python, we offer a great course here at PyImageSearch. Sign up now: Python Course.

The course covers Python from the absolute basics. It is tailored for budding ML and AI developers like you.

While PyTorch is primarily associated with Python, it’s worth noting that it supports other languages as well.


Python is the primary language for PyTorch development due to its simplicity and vast ecosystem of data science libraries.

Example: Here’s a simple PyTorch script in Python to create a tensor:

import torch

# Create a tensor
x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])


For performance-critical applications or integration with existing C++ codebases, PyTorch offers a C++ frontend.

Example: Creating a tensor in C++ with LibTorch:

#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::tensor({1, 2, 3});
std::cout << tensor << std::endl;
return 0;

Other Languages

While not officially supported, there are community-driven bindings for languages like the following.

Java (DJL)Rust (tch-rs)Go (GoTorch)


Some computers have special chips called GPUs that make PyTorch run super fast. If yours does, choose a PyTorch version designed for GPUs (e.g., CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture)). If not, that’s okay — there are versions for regular CPUs, too.

One of the most critical decisions in your PyTorch setup is whether to use CPU (central processing unit) or GPU (graphics processing unit) computation.


CPU versions of PyTorch work on all computers and are suitable for the following.

Learning and experimentationSmall to medium-sized modelsDeployment on servers without GPUs

Use Case: If you’re just starting with PyTorch or working with smaller datasets, the CPU version is a great choice.


GPU acceleration can dramatically speed up training and inference times for deep learning models. PyTorch supports NVIDIA GPUs through CUDA.


An NVIDIA GPUProper CUDA drivers installed

Use Case: For training large models or working with image and video data, GPU acceleration is often essential.

Other Accelerators

PyTorch also supports the following other accelerators.

Apple Silicon (M1/M2) accelerationIntel MKL (Math Kernel Library) for improved CPU performanceROCm for AMD GPUs (experimental as of 2024)

PyTorch Installation

The command you are looking for is something like the following.

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio –index-url

But there is a way to know if this command is the perfect one for your use case.

Navigate to the official PyTorch website:

Select Your Configuration

On the PyTorch homepage, you’ll find a configuration selector. Choose from the following.

PyTorch Build (Stable or Preview)Your Operating SystemPackage Manager (Conda, Pip, LibTorch)Language (Python or C++/Java)Compute Platform (CUDA version or CPU)

Get Your Installation Command

Based on your selections, PyTorch will generate a custom installation command. For example, the following code snippet from above.

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio –index-url

This command installs PyTorch with CUDA 11.8 support using pip.

Run the Command

Open your terminal or command prompt and run the provided command. This will download and install PyTorch and its dependencies.

Verify the Installation

After installation, it’s a good practice to verify with the following that PyTorch is correctly installed.

import torch
print(torch.cuda.is_available()) # Should return True if CUDA is properly set up

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed PyTorch. Now, you’re ready to dive into the exciting world of machine learning (ML) and AI.

Troubleshooting Common Errors

Even with a straightforward installation process, you might encounter some issues. The following are some common problems and their solutions.

CUDA Version Mismatch

Problem: The PyTorch CUDA version doesn’t match your system’s CUDA version.

Solution: Install the PyTorch version that matches your CUDA installation. You can check your CUDA version with nvidia-smi in the terminal.

Missing Dependencies

Problem: Error messages about missing libraries.

Solution: Install required dependencies. For example:

pip install numpy pillow

GPU Not Recognized

Problem: PyTorch doesn’t detect your GPU.


Ensure your GPU drivers are up to date.Check if CUDA is properly installed.Verify that your GPU is CUDA-compatible.

Where to Next?

After successfully installing PyTorch, you must look for projects that will get your hands dirty. We at PyImageSearch have a bunch of projects for you.

What is PyTorchIntro to PyTorch: Training your first neural network using PyTorchPyTorch: Training your first Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)PyTorch image classification with pre-trained networks

What’s next? We recommend PyImageSearch University.

Course information:
84 total classes • 114+ hours of on-demand code walkthrough videos • Last updated: February 2024
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If you get stuck along the way, feel free to ask for help!

Let us know if you’d like us to elaborate on any of these steps or provide additional tips!

Citation Information

Martinez, H. “No Module Named ‘torch’,” PyImageSearch, P. Chugh, A. R. Gosthipaty, S. Huot, K. Kidriavsteva, and R. Raha, eds., 2024,

author = {Hector Martinez},
title = {No Module Named `torch’},
booktitle = {PyImageSearch},
editor = {Puneet Chugh and Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Susan Huot and Kseniia Kidriavsteva and Ritwik Raha},
year = {2024},
url = {},

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The post No Module Named ‘torch’ appeared first on PyImageSearch.

“}]] [[{“value”:”Table of Contents No Module Named torch Choose Your Flavor Stable Release Preview (Nightly) Release Know Thy Operating System Linux macOS Windows Your Tool for the Job Conda Pip LibTorch How You’ll Talk to PyTorch Python C++ Other Languages CPU…
The post No Module Named ‘torch’ appeared first on PyImageSearch.”}]]  Read More Data Science, Deep Learning, GPU Computing, Machine Learning, ModuleNotFound, Python Programming, Pytorch Installation, Pytorch Tutorial, Software Installation, Tutorial, artificial intelligence, conda, cpu, cuda, data science tools, developer resources, gpu, installation guide, libtorch, linux, machine learning frameworks, macos, module, Neural Networks, package management, pip, python, python libraries, pytorch, tensor operations, torch, troubleshooting, tutorial, windows 

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