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Positional Description for Numerical Normalization Apple Machine Learning Research

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​We present a Positional Description Scheme (PDS) tailored for digit sequences, integrating placeholder value information for each digit. Given the structural limitations of subword tokenization algorithms, language models encounter critical Text Normalization (TN) challenges when handling numerical tasks. Our schema addresses this challenge through straightforward pre-processing, preserving the model architecture while significantly simplifying number normalization, rendering the problem tractable. This simplifies the task and facilitates more compact production-ready models capable of… We present a Positional Description Scheme (PDS) tailored for digit sequences, integrating placeholder value information for each digit. Given the structural limitations of subword tokenization algorithms, language models encounter critical Text Normalization (TN) challenges when handling numerical tasks. Our schema addresses this challenge through straightforward pre-processing, preserving the model architecture while significantly simplifying number normalization, rendering the problem tractable. This simplifies the task and facilitates more compact production-ready models capable of…  Read More  

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