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Generalization on the Unseen, Logic Reasoning and Degree Curriculum Apple Machine Learning Research

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​This paper considers the learning of logical (Boolean) functions with a focus on the generalization on the unseen (GOTU) setting, a strong case of out-of-distribution generalization. This is motivated by the fact that the rich combinatorial nature of data in certain reasoning tasks (e.g., arithmetic/logic) makes representative data sampling challenging, and learning successfully under GOTU gives a first vignette of an ‘extrapolating’ or ‘reasoning’ learner. We study how different network architectures trained by (S)GD perform under GOTU and provide both theoretical and experimental evidence… This paper considers the learning of logical (Boolean) functions with a focus on the generalization on the unseen (GOTU) setting, a strong case of out-of-distribution generalization. This is motivated by the fact that the rich combinatorial nature of data in certain reasoning tasks (e.g., arithmetic/logic) makes representative data sampling challenging, and learning successfully under GOTU gives a first vignette of an ‘extrapolating’ or ‘reasoning’ learner. We study how different network architectures trained by (S)GD perform under GOTU and provide both theoretical and experimental evidence…  Read More  

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