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BayesCNS: A Unified Bayesian Approach to Address Cold Start and Non-Stationarity in Search Systems at Scale Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Information Retrieval (IR) systems used in search and recommendation platforms frequently employ Learning-to-Rank (LTR) models to rank items in response to user queries. These models heavily rely on features derived from user interactions, such as clicks and engagement data. This dependence introduces cold start issues for items lacking user engagement and poses challenges in adapting to non-stationary shifts in user behavior over time. We address both challenges holistically as an online learning problem and propose BayesCNS, a Bayesian approach designed to handle cold start and… Information Retrieval (IR) systems used in search and recommendation platforms frequently employ Learning-to-Rank (LTR) models to rank items in response to user queries. These models heavily rely on features derived from user interactions, such as clicks and engagement data. This dependence introduces cold start issues for items lacking user engagement and poses challenges in adapting to non-stationary shifts in user behavior over time. We address both challenges holistically as an online learning problem and propose BayesCNS, a Bayesian approach designed to handle cold start and…  Read More  

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