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How to Humanize Content and Get Past AI Plagiarism Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing can output AI-generated content faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m. But with this speed comes issues—the content quality edges closer to the realm of plagiarism and unreliability.

Another reason is that ChatGPT never cites its sources according to academic standards. It could hallucinate and pull information out of thin air, which won’t help anyone looking to avoid plagiarism.

So, I’ll show how to humanize text in order to get past AI plagiarism checkers. But first, I’ll delve into how AI plagiarism detector works. Continue reading to discover the tools to help you avoid AI plagiarism and why you need them.

Deconstructing How An AI Plagiarism Checker Works

An AI plagiarism checker is a tool for determining whether the content you are submitting is unique or AI-generated.

When chatbots like Bard and Bing (sounds like a really cool band!) generate user content, they often lift information word for word from other websites and online resources. This makes them easy to detect because they follow a predetermined and predictable model. 

Here is an example sentence: “The sun shines brightly in the_____.

In the example above, the most probable continuation is “morning” because the sun shines is associated with mornings. That’s what a robot with limited creativity would come up with. 

But humans might say, “The sun shines brightly in the night” because they live in the Northern Hemisphere or they are exploring edgy creativity.

And that’s the core working principle for AI detectors and plagiarism checkers.

First, the AI plagiarism checker tries to predict the content’s perplexity and burstiness

Perplexity measures an average user’s capability of understanding the output. Content with high perplexity is usually human. AI content sounds flat and repetitive, even if you use advanced prompts and plugins.

Similarly, burstiness refers to sentence variation in length and rhythm. Sentences in AI-generated content usually have a predictable rhythm and length. 

When humans write, the burstiness is high because we can drift into verbosity to make our point clearer and more straightforward, just like I am doing right now with this sentence. 

Sometimes, we keep it short. 

However, AI content generators usually produce a constant sentence tempo. If not, they’d make up the rest of the sentence with fluff.

With these variables (perplexity and burstiness) and other technical considerations, AI plagiarism detection tools can spot articles written by a bot or non-human virtual assistant.

But there is a problem.

Using an AI plagiarism checker online is not a reliable test of a work’s uniqueness. Some of these tools are unreliable — we don’t even know the creators or the algorithm behind them.

Besides, sometimes AI checkers can produce false positives, potentially ruining the reputations of innocent victims. Even universities are worried about these false plagiarism flags.

But instead of spending your time defending a plagiarism case that didn’t even happen, I’ll show you how to bypass AI plagiarism detection.

How To Avoid AI Plagiarism

Instead of avoiding AI entirely and missing out on its countless perks, use these hacks to get around its limitations:

Remove word repetition

After generating content with AI, edit the result and remove repetitions. 

Firstly, you don’t want your text to read like a high school student who ran out of ideas mid-essay and just wanted to reach the specified word count. 

Apart from that, poorly written AI content will harm your SEO objectives. These repetitive sentences can make your text spammy, attracting the wrath of Google’s anti-AI hammer.

So, to avoid getting your AI-generated text flagged by an online AI plagiarism checker, go over it line by line and limit redundancy.

Work on your research skills

Your research skills are your first line of action in your quest to remove AI plagiarism from your text.

Before writing, you need to research your topic extensively. Why go through the trouble? Because you need to understand the topic better to know whether the AI output is reliable or a waste of time.

You can spot errors if you know the topic before getting AI to generate content on it. You can also identify sections that read like they may have been lifted from sources that need citing.

Regard ChatGPT as an assistant

ChatGPT is not all-knowing, but it has more access to information than most humans. 

You can use AI text generators to get pointers and set the track for research. 

If you plan on writing your entire paper with ChatGPT, there is a high tendency for someone else to do the same thing. So, you risk an AI detection tool flagging your work as a plagiarized copy.

Use a paraphraser

After receiving copies from AI and verifying their authenticity, use a paraphraser to change the text’s tone. Even though you may still need to cite ideas obtained from secondary sources, paraphrasing will make the words more original and unique.

You can use an AI plagiarism checker to identify which blocks of texts to paraphrase and humanize. Tools like Quillbot can help you adjust your word choice and tone.

Use an AI humanizer (Undetectable AI)

Similar to paraphrasing tools, AI humanizers can beat any AI content detector by making robotic-sounding texts sound more human.

As its name implies, Undetectable AI is one of the best tools for you to humanize ChatGPT content without manually editing it for repetition or paraphrasing. 

This ultimate stealth tool will notify you if your content sounds human or robotic. Its robust algorithms give you multiple humanization choices for every reading level.

Cite your sources

Whether using AI or not, citing every information that does not come directly from you is non-negotiable. If you pass information from an AI text generator as yours, that’s blatant plagiarism.

Proper academic practice suggests you always give credit to the author(s). Even if you are referring to your work, you still need to cite the source to avoid self-plagiarism. You can always use citation tools to find authors and generate reference lists.

Double-check every fact

Large language models pull information from everywhere on the internet, often using a complex probability method to choose words likely to come after others in most contexts. This means that they can generate convincing statements that have no substance.

Nobody will cut you slack for putting out false information just because AI wrote it for you. So, whenever you get information using AI, double-check every fact. 

Add examples and personal stories

Break up the text with anecdotes and topic-relevant examples to beef up the information in your content. 

For example, as part of your climate change paper, you can discuss how your local government tackled desert encroachment by planting more trees. 

These examples will make the AI-generated content sound more human, as well as provide an opportunity to incorporate your personal views.

Adjust the tone

AI-generated texts have all the appeal and creativity of a cardboard box—not even GPT 4.0 can replicate human ingenuity. This makes them easy targets for AI detectors. 

So, if you want to evade the all-seeing eye of detectors like, adjust the tone of your AI-generated text.

Besides avoiding AI detection, adjusting the tone of your copy makes it more personal and appealing to the target audience—whether they are teachers grading your essay or customers reading your copy.

Proofread and rewrite

After getting the generated texts from AI, proofread and rewrite the content. Doing so will help you eliminate grammatical errors and improve the quality of your work.

Use an AI detector tool to highlight which parts of your text sound robotic. Then, rewrite it according to your target audience’s expertise level and the preferred tone of voice.

Undetectable AI Can Remove AI Plagiarism

Undetectable AI is an AI detection remover that rewrites auto-populated material to evade detection. This text humanizer uses advanced algorithms and paraphrasing features that help users generate texts similar to those written by humans.

The originality of this AI text humanizer is unmatched, as content creators can quickly recreate up to 15,000 characters of text for free. You can also use Undetectable AI’s humanization engine to improve your site’s SEO by optimizing your content for search engines.

How much would it cost you?

First-time users can use the free AI plagiarism remover until the credits expire. Afterward, you’d need to buy more credits to continue using the tool. 

You can pay for the Monthly plan for a starting price of $9.99 for 1000 words every month. Or you can save money by going for the Yearly plan at the discounted price of $5.00 per month. Businesses with large AI text humanization needs can acquire Undetectable AI for a negotiated price.

Why do you need to get past AI plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a huge offense as it can be considered stealing one’s intellectual property. This offense can tarnish your reputation or even land you in jail. Several politicians, influencers, and artists have lost their livelihoods or tarnished their reputations because of plagiarism accusations.

To avoid AI content detection tools flagging your material, you can reword it manually or with the help of a paraphrasing tool. When you humanize content online, always maintain correct syntax, grammar, and sentence structure.

Final words

People have gotten comfortable using AI to generate content. Unfortunately, they can misuse it and plagiarize other people’s ideas since our current iteration of AI pulls information from existing sources. And that doesn’t include other accompanying issues like readability, tone, and credibility of information.

To avoid getting flagged for plagiarism, use the tips in this article when creating content to humanize AI content for free. The recommended tools and techniques aren’t exhaustive but are the ideal bases for your journey with AI and artificially generated content.


Why would I want to bypass AI content detectors?

Bypassing AI content detectors keeps you in Google’s good books and helps you avoid plagiarism. Since AI is now a part of content creation, with various detectors available to identify such texts, you must consider measures to help you bypass them. Getting flagged by AI content detectors isn’t a death sentence for your article, but it can indicate lower-quality content and incur penalties from search engines. 

What are AI content detectors?

An AI content detector is a machine learning program that identifies AI-generated texts. Since the rise of tools like ChatGPT, people have developed AI detectors to keep AI misuse in check, leading people to appreciate the need to humanize AI content online.

Can bypass multiple AI detectors?

Yes, Undetectable AI can easily bypass AI detectors by rewriting and humanizing AI-generated texts. It produces results that pass GPTZero and Google’s checks. The software is recommended as it can also efficiently rewrite and rephrase texts in different tones while correcting grammatical and contextual errors. 

Which is the most effective tool for bypassing AI content detectors?

Even though there are different AI content detectors on the internet today, one stands out. The most effective tool for bypassing AI content detectors is Undetectable AI. It stands out because of its near-perfect human tone and unique algorithms that help content creators optimize their texts.

How can I circumvent AI content detectors?

There are so many ways to circumvent AI detectors: eliminating fluff and repetitive ideas, working on your research skills, using AI responsibly, paraphrasing, and using an AI humanizer like Undetectable AI and AI Detection Bypass.

So, Now Let’s Try Undetectable AI:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Signup or Log in

Step 3: After login, you should see the screen below

Step 4: Now in the playground box (black box), paste your content. Now, choose what you want to do from the given options.

Step 5: Watch the demo to see the results and steps in detail:

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Thanks to Undetectable for the thought leadership/ Educational article. Undetectable has supported us in this content/article.

The post How to Humanize Content and Get Past AI Plagiarism appeared first on MarkTechPost.

 ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing can output AI-generated content faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m. But with this speed comes issues—the content quality edges closer to the realm of plagiarism and unreliability. Another reason is that ChatGPT never cites its sources according to academic standards. It could hallucinate and pull information out of thin
The post How to Humanize Content and Get Past AI Plagiarism appeared first on MarkTechPost.  Read More AI Shorts, Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Editors Pick, Generative AI, Promote, Sponsored, Staff, Tech News, Technology, Uncategorized 

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