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Do Machine Learning Models Produce Reliable Results with Limited Training Data? This New AI Research from Cambridge and Cornell University Finds it.. Rachit Ranjan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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Deep learning has developed into a potent and ground-breaking technique in artificial intelligence, with applications ranging from speech recognition to autonomous systems to computer vision and natural language processing. However, the deep learning model needs significant data for training. To train the model, a person often annotates a sizable amount of data, such as a collection of photos. This process is very time-consuming and laborious.

Therefore, there has been a lot of research to train the model on less data so that model training becomes easy. Researchers have tried to figure out how to create trustworthy machine-learning models that can comprehend complicated equations in actual circumstances while utilizing a far smaller amount of training data than is typically anticipated.

Consequently, researchers from Cornell University and the University of Cambridge have discovered that machine learning models for partial differential equations can produce accurate results even when given little data. Partial differential equations are a class of physics equations that describe how things in the natural world evolve in space and time.

According to Dr. Nicolas Boullé of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, training machine learning models with humans is efficient yet time and money-consuming. They are curious to learn precisely how little data is necessary to train these algorithms while producing accurate results.

The researchers used randomized numerical linear algebra and PDE theory to create an algorithm that recovers the solution operators of three-dimensional uniformly elliptic PDEs from input-output data and achieves exponential convergence of the error concerning the size of the training dataset with an incredibly high probability of success.

Boullé, an INI-Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, said that PDEs are like the building pieces of physics: they can assist in explaining the physical rules of nature, such as how the steady state is maintained in a melting block of ice. The researchers believe these AI models are basic, but they might still help understand why AI has been so effective in physics.

The researchers employed a training dataset with a range of random input data quantities and computer-generated matching answers. They next tested the AI’s projected solutions on a fresh batch of input data to see how accurate they were.

According to Boullé, it depends on the field, but in physics, they discovered that you can accomplish a lot with very little data. It’s astonishing how little information is required to produce a solid model. They said that the mathematical properties of these equations allow us to take advantage of their structure and improve the models.

The researchers said it is important to ensure that models learn the appropriate material, but machine learning for physics is an attractive topic. According to Boullé, AI can assist in resolving many intriguing math and physics challenges.

Check out the PaperAll Credit For This Research Goes To the Researchers on This Project. Also, don’t forget to join our 30k+ ML SubReddit, 40k+ Facebook Community, Discord Channel, and Email Newsletter, where we share the latest AI research news, cool AI projects, and more.

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The post Do Machine Learning Models Produce Reliable Results with Limited Training Data? This New AI Research from Cambridge and Cornell University Finds it.. appeared first on MarkTechPost.

 Deep learning has developed into a potent and ground-breaking technique in artificial intelligence, with applications ranging from speech recognition to autonomous systems to computer vision and natural language processing. However, the deep learning model needs significant data for training. To train the model, a person often annotates a sizable amount of data, such as a
The post Do Machine Learning Models Produce Reliable Results with Limited Training Data? This New AI Research from Cambridge and Cornell University Finds it.. appeared first on MarkTechPost.  Read More AI Shorts, Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Language Model, Large Language Model, Machine Learning, Tech News, Technology, Uncategorized 

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