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TheoremLlama: An End-To-End Framework to Train a General-Purpose Large Language Model to Become a Lean4 Expert Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” A major step forward in mathematical reasoning is the use of computer-verifiable formal languages such as Lean to prove mathematical theorems. These formal languages make it possible to rigorously verify proofs, guaranteeing accuracy and consistency in mathematical outcomes. Using Large Language Models (LLMs) trained… Read More »TheoremLlama: An End-To-End Framework to Train a General-Purpose Large Language Model to Become a Lean4 Expert Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Fine-tune Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku in Amazon Bedrock to boost model accuracy and quality Yanyan Zhang AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​[[{“value”:” Frontier large language models (LLMs) like Anthropic Claude on Amazon Bedrock are trained on vast amounts of data, allowing Anthropic Claude to understand and generate human-like text. Fine-tuning Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku on proprietary datasets can provide optimal performance on specific domains or tasks.… Read More »Fine-tune Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku in Amazon Bedrock to boost model accuracy and quality Yanyan Zhang AWS Machine Learning Blog

Principles of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction with Python Jayita Gulati

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​[[{“value”:” Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a type of machine learning. It trains an agent to make decisions by interacting with an environment. This article covers the basic concepts of RL. These include states, actions, rewards, policies, and the Markov Decision Process (MDP). By the end,… Read More »Principles of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction with Python Jayita Gulati

Future-Proofing the Past: AI’s Role in Protecting Cultural Legacies Mahmoud Ghorbel Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” The world’s cultural heritage faces mounting peril from escalating conflicts and natural disasters, jeopardizing ancient sites and artifacts worldwide. Wars, earthquakes, and floods pose existential threats, imperiling invaluable pieces of history. Urgent action is needed to protect these sites. Artificial intelligence (AI) presents a… Read More »Future-Proofing the Past: AI’s Role in Protecting Cultural Legacies Mahmoud Ghorbel Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Open Contracts: The Free and Open Source Document Analytics Platform Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Managing, analyzing, and extracting data from large volumes of documents is a crucial yet challenging task. Traditionally, this has required expensive proprietary software solutions. Introducing Open Contracts, a free and open-source platform designed to democratize document analytics. Open Contracts is a fully open-source, AI-powered… Read More »Open Contracts: The Free and Open Source Document Analytics Platform Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Meet Lytix: An AI Platform that Brings Insights, Testing, and E2E Analytics to Your LLM Stack with Minimal Changes to Your Existing Codebase Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Product insights & monitoring, testing, end-to-end analytics, and errors are four of the most difficult LLMs to monitor and test. Teams mostly waste weeks of dev time building internal tools to solve these problems. Most product analytics efforts have concentrated on numerical metrics like… Read More »Meet Lytix: An AI Platform that Brings Insights, Testing, and E2E Analytics to Your LLM Stack with Minimal Changes to Your Existing Codebase Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

DoRM: A Brain-Inspired Approach to Generative Domain Adaptation Mahmoud Ghorbel Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Few-shot Generative Domain Adaptation (GDA) is a machine learning and domain adaptation concept that addresses the challenge of adapting a model trained on a source domain to perform well on a target domain, using only a few examples from the target domain. Such a… Read More »DoRM: A Brain-Inspired Approach to Generative Domain Adaptation Mahmoud Ghorbel Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Deep Learning in Protein Engineering: Designing Functional Soluble Proteins Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Traditional protein design, often relying on physics-based methods like Rosetta, faces challenges in creating functional proteins with complex structures due to the need for parametric and symmetric restraints. Recent advances in deep learning, particularly with tools like AlphaFold2, have transformed protein design by enabling… Read More »Deep Learning in Protein Engineering: Designing Functional Soluble Proteins Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Plandex: A Reliable and Developer-Friendly AI Coding Agent in Your Terminal Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Developers often face challenges when working on large coding projects. These challenges include getting stuck on unfamiliar technologies, managing extensive backlogs, and spending much time on repetitive tasks. Traditional methods and tools may need more to handle these issues effectively, leading to delays and… Read More »Plandex: A Reliable and Developer-Friendly AI Coding Agent in Your Terminal Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Google DeepMind Introduces JEST: A New AI Training Method 13x Faster and 10X More Power Efficient Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Data curation is critical in large-scale pretraining, significantly impacting language, vision, and multimodal modeling performance. Well-curated datasets can achieve strong performance with less data, but current pipelines often rely on manual curation, which is costly and hard to scale. Model-based data curation, leveraging training… Read More »Google DeepMind Introduces JEST: A New AI Training Method 13x Faster and 10X More Power Efficient Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost