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5 Common Mistakes in Machine Learning and How to Avoid Them Bala Priya C

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​[[{“value”:” Using machine learning to solve real-world problems is exciting. But most eager beginners jump straight to model building—overlooking the fundamentals—resulting in models that aren’t very helpful. From understanding the data to choosing the best machine learning model for the problem, there are some common… Read More »5 Common Mistakes in Machine Learning and How to Avoid Them Bala Priya C

ProgressGym: A Machine Learning Framework for Dynamic Ethical Alignment in Frontier AI Systems Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Frontier AI systems, including LLMs, increasingly shape human beliefs and values by serving as personal assistants, educators, and authors. These systems, trained on vast amounts of human data, often reflect and propagate existing societal biases. This phenomenon, known as value lock-in, can entrench misguided… Read More »ProgressGym: A Machine Learning Framework for Dynamic Ethical Alignment in Frontier AI Systems Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

The Four Components of a Generative AI Workflow: Human, Interface, Data, and LLM Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” The rise of Generative AI (GenAI) has revolutionized various industries, from healthcare and finance to entertainment and customer service. The effectiveness of GenAI systems hinges on the seamless integration of four critical components: Human, Interface, Data, and large language models (LLMs). Understanding these elements… Read More »The Four Components of a Generative AI Workflow: Human, Interface, Data, and LLM Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Understanding the Limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs): New Benchmarks and Metrics for Classification Tasks Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance in a range of tasks in recent years, especially classification tasks. These models demonstrate amazing performance when given gold labels or options that include the right answer. A significant limitation is that if these gold labels… Read More »Understanding the Limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs): New Benchmarks and Metrics for Classification Tasks Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

OmniParse: An AI Platform that Ingests/Parses Any Unstructured Data into Structured, Actionable Data Optimized for GenAI (LLM) Applications Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” In various fields, data comes in many forms. Be it documents, images, or video/audio files, managing and making sense of this unstructured data can be overwhelming. The challenge lies in converting this diverse data into a structured format that is easy to work with,… Read More »OmniParse: An AI Platform that Ingests/Parses Any Unstructured Data into Structured, Actionable Data Optimized for GenAI (LLM) Applications Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Researchers at Princeton University Proposes Edge Pruning: An Effective and Scalable Method for Automated Circuit Finding Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Language models have become increasingly complex, making it challenging to interpret their inner workings. Researchers are attempting to solve this problem through mechanistic interpretability, which involves identifying and analyzing circuits – sparse computational subgraphs that capture specific aspects of a model’s behavior.  Current methodologies… Read More »Researchers at Princeton University Proposes Edge Pruning: An Effective and Scalable Method for Automated Circuit Finding Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

How to Use ChatGPT to Make Engaging Technical Presentations Nishant N Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Making an engaging PowerPoint presentation is a talent that may set you apart from your colleagues at work and classmates at school or university. You can be a working professional, student, or business owner; learning the art of presenting can open up new opportunities.… Read More »How to Use ChatGPT to Make Engaging Technical Presentations Nishant N Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Researchers from UC Berkeley and Anyscale Introduce RouteLLM: An Open-Source Framework for Cost-Effective LLM Routing Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased impressive capabilities across various tasks but vary widely in costs and capabilities. Deploying these models in real-world applications presents a significant challenge: routing all queries to the most capable models ensures high-quality responses but is expensive while directing… Read More »Researchers from UC Berkeley and Anyscale Introduce RouteLLM: An Open-Source Framework for Cost-Effective LLM Routing Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Transforming Software Development with Multi-Agent Collaboration: CodeStory’s Aide Framework Sets State-of-the-Art on SWE-Bench-Lite with 40.3% Accepted Solutions Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Recent developments in the field of software engineering have raised the bar for productivity and teamwork. A team of researchers from Codestory has recently developed a multi-agent coding framework called Aide that achieved a remarkable 40.3% accepted solutions on the SWE-Bench-Lite benchmark, establishing a… Read More »Transforming Software Development with Multi-Agent Collaboration: CodeStory’s Aide Framework Sets State-of-the-Art on SWE-Bench-Lite with 40.3% Accepted Solutions Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost