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Microsoft Research Introduces Gigapath: A Novel Vision Transformer For Digital Pathology Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Digital pathology converts traditional glass slides into digital images for viewing, analysis, and storage. Advances in imaging technology and software drive this transformation, which has significant implications for medical diagnostics, research, and education. There is a chance to speed up advancements in precision health… Read More »Microsoft Research Introduces Gigapath: A Novel Vision Transformer For Digital Pathology Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

EleutherAI Presents Language Model Evaluation Harness (lm-eval) for Reproducible and Rigorous NLP Assessments, Enhancing Language Model Evaluation Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Language models are fundamental to natural language processing (NLP), focusing on generating and comprehending human language. These models are integral to applications such as machine translation, text summarization, and conversational agents, where the aim is to develop technology capable of understanding and producing human-like… Read More »EleutherAI Presents Language Model Evaluation Harness (lm-eval) for Reproducible and Rigorous NLP Assessments, Enhancing Language Model Evaluation Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Beyond the Frequency Game: AoR Evaluates Reasoning Chains for Accurate LLM Decisions Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Large Language Models (LLMs) have driven remarkable advancements across various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. These models excel in understanding and generating human-like text, playing a pivotal role in applications such as machine translation, summarization, and more complex reasoning tasks. The progression in this… Read More »Beyond the Frequency Game: AoR Evaluates Reasoning Chains for Accurate LLM Decisions Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

A Paradigm Shift: MoRA’s Role in Advancing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Techniques Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques adapt large language models (LLMs) to specific tasks by modifying a small subset of parameters, unlike Full Fine-Tuning (FFT), which updates all parameters. PEFT, exemplified by Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), significantly reduces memory requirements by updating less than 1% of parameters… Read More »A Paradigm Shift: MoRA’s Role in Advancing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Techniques Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Uni-MoE: A Unified Multimodal LLM based on Sparse MoE Architecture Aswin Ak Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Unlocking the potential of large multimodal language models (MLLMs) to handle diverse modalities like speech, text, image, and video is a crucial step in AI development. This capability is essential for applications such as natural language understanding, content recommendation, and multimodal information retrieval, enhancing… Read More »Uni-MoE: A Unified Multimodal LLM based on Sparse MoE Architecture Aswin Ak Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

This AI Research from the University of Chicago Explores the Financial Analytical Capabilities of Large Langauge Models (LLMs) Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” GPT-4 and other Large Language Models (LLMs) have proven to be highly proficient in text analysis, interpretation, and generation. Their exceptional effectiveness extends to a wide range of financial sector tasks, including sophisticated disclosure summarization, sentiment analysis, information extraction, report production, and compliance verification. … Read More »This AI Research from the University of Chicago Explores the Financial Analytical Capabilities of Large Langauge Models (LLMs) Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Enhancing Neural Network Interpretability and Performance with Wavelet-Integrated Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (Wav-KAN) Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Advancements in AI have led to proficient systems that make unclear decisions, raising concerns about deploying untrustworthy AI in daily life and the economy. Understanding neural networks is vital for trust, ethical concerns like algorithmic bias, and scientific applications requiring model validation. Multilayer perceptrons… Read More »Enhancing Neural Network Interpretability and Performance with Wavelet-Integrated Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (Wav-KAN) Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Transparency in Foundation Models: The Next Step in Foundation Model Transparency Index FMTI Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Foundation models are central to AI’s influence on the economy and society. Transparency is crucial for accountability, competition, and understanding, particularly regarding the data used in these models. Governments are enacting regulations like the EU AI Act and the US AI Foundation Model Transparency… Read More »Transparency in Foundation Models: The Next Step in Foundation Model Transparency Index FMTI Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Elia: An Open Source Terminal UI for Interacting with LLMs Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” People who work with large language models often need a quick and efficient way to interact with these powerful tools. However, many existing methods require switching between applications or dealing with slow, cumbersome interfaces.  Some solutions are available, but they come with their own… Read More »Elia: An Open Source Terminal UI for Interacting with LLMs Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost