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iAsk Ai Outperforms ChatGPT and All Other AI Models on MMLU Pro Test Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” iAsk Ai has quickly become a leader in AI search. iAsk Ai’s search engine is powered by iAsk Pro, their latest model that has outperformed top competitors like OpenAI’s GPT-4o, Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Google’s Gemini Pro, as shown by its record-breaking results… Read More »iAsk Ai Outperforms ChatGPT and All Other AI Models on MMLU Pro Test Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

CogVideoX Released in Two Variants – CogVideoX-2B and CogVideoX-5B: A Revolutionary Advancement in Text-to-Video Generation with Enhanced Temporal Consistency and Superior Dynamic Scene Handling Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Text-to-video generation is rapidly advancing, driven by significant developments in transformer architectures and diffusion models. These technologies have unlocked the potential to transform text prompts into coherent, dynamic video content, creating new possibilities in multimedia generation. Accurately translating textual descriptions into visual sequences requires… Read More »CogVideoX Released in Two Variants – CogVideoX-2B and CogVideoX-5B: A Revolutionary Advancement in Text-to-Video Generation with Enhanced Temporal Consistency and Superior Dynamic Scene Handling Asif Razzaq Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

How to Evaluate Jailbreak Methods: A Case Study with the StrongREJECT Benchmark The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

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When we began studying jailbreak evaluations, we found a fascinating paper claiming that you could jailbreak frontier LLMs simply by translating forbidden prompts into obscure languages. Excited by this result, we attempted to reproduce it and found something unexpected.

Read More »How to Evaluate Jailbreak Methods: A Case Study with the StrongREJECT Benchmark The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

5 Groundbreaking Applications of Reinforcement Learning in 2024 Vinod Chugani

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​[[{“value”:” Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm in artificial intelligence, enabling machines to learn optimal behavior through interaction with their environment. In RL, an agent learns to make decisions by performing actions and receiving rewards or penalties, ultimately aiming to maximize cumulative… Read More »5 Groundbreaking Applications of Reinforcement Learning in 2024 Vinod Chugani

Vectorlite v0.2.0 Released: Fast, SQL-Powered, in-Process Vector Search for Any Language with an SQLite Driver Pragati Jhunjhunwala Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Many modern applications, such as recommendation systems, image and video search, and natural language processing, rely on vector representations to capture semantic similarity or other relationships between data points. As datasets grow, traditional database systems need help handling vector data efficiently, leading to slow… Read More »Vectorlite v0.2.0 Released: Fast, SQL-Powered, in-Process Vector Search for Any Language with an SQLite Driver Pragati Jhunjhunwala Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

SarcasmBench: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework Revealing the Challenges and Performance Gaps of Large Language Models in Understanding Subtle Sarcastic Expressions Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Sarcasm detection is a critical challenge in natural language processing (NLP) because of sarcastic statements’ nuanced and often contradictory nature. Unlike straightforward language, sarcasm involves saying something that appears to convey one sentiment while implying the opposite. This subtle linguistic phenomenon is difficult to… Read More »SarcasmBench: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework Revealing the Challenges and Performance Gaps of Large Language Models in Understanding Subtle Sarcastic Expressions Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

3D-VirtFusion: Transforming Synthetic 3D Data Generation with Diffusion Models and AI for Enhanced Deep Learning in Complex Scene Understanding Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” 3D computer vision has gained immense traction recently due to its robotics, augmented reality, and virtual reality applications. These technologies demand an extensive amount of high-quality 3D data to function effectively. However, acquiring such data is inherently complex, requiring specialized equipment, expert knowledge, and… Read More »3D-VirtFusion: Transforming Synthetic 3D Data Generation with Diffusion Models and AI for Enhanced Deep Learning in Complex Scene Understanding Sana Hassan Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Jina AI Introduced ‘Late Chunking’: A Simple AI Approach to Embed Short Chunks by Leveraging the Power of Long-Context Embedding Models Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has emerged as a prominent application in the field of natural language processing. This innovative approach involves breaking down large documents into smaller, manageable text chunks, typically limited to around 512 tokens. These bite-sized pieces of information are then stored in… Read More »Jina AI Introduced ‘Late Chunking’: A Simple AI Approach to Embed Short Chunks by Leveraging the Power of Long-Context Embedding Models Mohammad Asjad Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

SalesForce AI Research Introduced LlamaRank: A State-of-the-Art Reranker for Enhanced Document Retrieval and Code Search, Outperforming Cohere Rerank v3 and Mistral-7B QLM in Accuracy Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Document ranking remains one of the most important issues in information retrieval & natural language processing development. Effective document retrieval and ranking are highly important in enhancing the performance of search engines, question-answering systems, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. Traditional ranking models often need… Read More »SalesForce AI Research Introduced LlamaRank: A State-of-the-Art Reranker for Enhanced Document Retrieval and Code Search, Outperforming Cohere Rerank v3 and Mistral-7B QLM in Accuracy Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost