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Top Data Warehousing Tools in 2023 Prathamesh Ingle Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ A data warehouse is a data management system for data reporting, analysis, and storage. It is an enterprise data warehouse and is part of business intelligence. Data from one or more diverse sources is stored in data warehouses, which are central repositories. Data warehouses… Read More »Top Data Warehousing Tools in 2023 Prathamesh Ingle Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

A New AI Research from China Proposes Meta-Transformer: A Unified AI Framework for Multimodal Learning Aneesh Tickoo Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ The human brain, regarded as the paradigm for neural network theories, concurrently processes information from various sensory inputs, such as visual, auditory, and tactile signals. Additionally, understanding from one source might help knowledge from another. However, due to the huge modality gap in deep… Read More »A New AI Research from China Proposes Meta-Transformer: A Unified AI Framework for Multimodal Learning Aneesh Tickoo Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Resolving the Mixing Time of the Langevin Algorithm to its Stationary Distribution for Log-Concave Sampling Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Sampling from a high-dimensional distribution is a fundamental task in statistics, engineering, and the sciences. A canonical approach is the Langevin Algorithm, i.e., the Markov chain for the discretized Langevin Diffusion. This is the sampling analog of Gradient Descent. Despite being studied for several decades… Read More »Resolving the Mixing Time of the Langevin Algorithm to its Stationary Distribution for Log-Concave Sampling Apple Machine Learning Research

DUET: 2D Structured and Equivariant Representations Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Multiview Self-Supervised Learning (MSSL) is based on learning invariances with respect to a set of input transformations. However, invariance partially or totally removes transformation-related information from the representations, which might harm performance for specific downstream tasks that require such information. We propose 2D strUctured and… Read More »DUET: 2D Structured and Equivariant Representations Apple Machine Learning Research

Differentially Private Heavy Hitter Detection using Federated Analytics Apple Machine Learning Research

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​We study practical heuristics to improve the performance of prefix-tree based algorithms for differentially private heavy hitter detection. Our model assumes each user has multiple data points and the goal is to learn as many of the most frequent data points as possible across all… Read More »Differentially Private Heavy Hitter Detection using Federated Analytics Apple Machine Learning Research

Population Expansion for Training Language Models with Private Federated Learning Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Federated learning (FL) combined with differential privacy (DP) offers machine learning (ML) training with distributed devices and with a formal privacy guarantee. With a large population of devices, FL with DP produces a performant model in a timely manner. However, for applications with a smaller… Read More »Population Expansion for Training Language Models with Private Federated Learning Apple Machine Learning Research

The Role of Entropy and Reconstruction for Multi-View Self-Supervised Learning Apple Machine Learning Research

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​The mechanisms behind the success of multi-view self-supervised learning (MVSSL) are not yet fully understood. Contrastive MVSSL methods have been studied though the lens of InfoNCE, a lower bound of the Mutual Information (MI). However, the relation between other MVSSL methods and MI remains unclear.… Read More »The Role of Entropy and Reconstruction for Multi-View Self-Supervised Learning Apple Machine Learning Research

Meet AIHelperBot: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based SQL Expert That Builds SQL Queries In Seconds Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ In the intriguing world of modern digital technology, artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots elevate people’s online experiences. Artificial intelligence chatbots have been trained to have conversations that resemble those of humans using natural language processing (NLP). NLP enables the AI chatbot to comprehend written human… Read More »Meet AIHelperBot: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based SQL Expert That Builds SQL Queries In Seconds Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost