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Interactively fine-tune Falcon-40B and other LLMs on Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks using QLoRA Sean Morgan AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​ Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) allows you to adjust open-source foundational models to achieve improved performance on your domain-specific tasks. In this post, we discuss the advantages of using Amazon SageMaker notebooks to fine-tune state-of-the-art open-source models. We utilize Hugging Face’s parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT)… Read More »Interactively fine-tune Falcon-40B and other LLMs on Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks using QLoRA Sean Morgan AWS Machine Learning Blog

Meet Wanda: A Simple and Effective Pruning Approach for Large Language Models Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ The popularity and usage of Large Language Models (LLMs) are constantly booming. With the enormous success in the field of Generative Artificial Intelligence, these models are leading to some massive economic and societal transformations. One of the best examples of the trending LLMs is… Read More »Meet Wanda: A Simple and Effective Pruning Approach for Large Language Models Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Generating 3D Molecular Conformers via Equivariant Coarse-Graining and Aggregated Attention The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

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Figure 1: CoarsenConf architecture.
<!– (I) The encoder $q_phi(z| X, mathcal{R})$ takes the fine-grained (FG) ground truth conformer $X$, RDKit approximate conformer $mathcal{R}$ , and coarse-grained (CG) conformer $mathcal{C}$ as inputs (derived from $X$ and a predefined CG strategy), and outputs a variable-length equivariant CG representation via equivariant message passing and point convolutions.
(II) Equivariant MLPs are applied to learn the mean and log variance of both the posterior and prior distributions.
(III) The posterior (training) or prior (inference) is sampled and fed into the Channel Selection module, where an attention layer is used to learn the optimal pathway from CG to FG structure.
(IV) Given the FG latent vector and the RDKit approximation, the decoder $p_theta(X |mathcal{R}, z)$ learns to recover the low-energy FG structure through autoregressive equivariant message passing. The entire model can be trained end-to-end by optimizing the KL divergence of latent distributions and reconstruction error of generated conformers. –>

Molecular conformer generation is a fundamental task in computational chemistry. The objective is to predict stable low-energy 3D molecular structures, known as conformers, given the 2D molecule. Accurate molecular conformations are crucial for various applications that depend on precise spatial and geometric qualities, including drug discovery and protein docking.

We introduce CoarsenConf, an SE(3)-equivariant hierarchical variational autoencoder (VAE) that pools information from fine-grain atomic coordinates to a coarse-grain subgraph level representation for efficient autoregressive conformer generation.

Read More »Generating 3D Molecular Conformers via Equivariant Coarse-Graining and Aggregated Attention The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

Dropbox Reveals Game-Changing AI-Powered Tools: A New Era of Productivity and Collaboration Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Everyone in today’s digital world is continuously inundated with data. More information is available now than ever, but it may take time to discover exactly what one needs. This is especially true if the tasks are dispersed over several programs. Recent developments in AI… Read More »Dropbox Reveals Game-Changing AI-Powered Tools: A New Era of Productivity and Collaboration Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Microsoft Researchers Introduce KOSMOS-2: A Multimodal Large Language Model That Can Ground To The Visual World Aneesh Tickoo Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated success as a general-purpose interface in various activities, including language, vision, and vision-language tasks. Under zero-shot and few-shot conditions, MLLMs can perceive generic modalities such as texts, pictures, and audio and produce answers using free-form texts. In… Read More »Microsoft Researchers Introduce KOSMOS-2: A Multimodal Large Language Model That Can Ground To The Visual World Aneesh Tickoo Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Meet ProFusion: An AI Regularization-Free Framework For Detail Preservation In Text-to-Image Synthesis Daniele Lorenzi Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ The field of text-to-image generation has been extensively explored over the years, and significant progress has been made recently. Researchers have achieved remarkable advancements by training large-scale models on extensive datasets, enabling zero-shot text-to-image generation with arbitrary text inputs. Groundbreaking works like DALL-E and… Read More »Meet ProFusion: An AI Regularization-Free Framework For Detail Preservation In Text-to-Image Synthesis Daniele Lorenzi Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Capture public health insights more quickly with no-code machine learning using Amazon SageMaker Canvas Henrik Balle AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​ Public health organizations have a wealth of data about different types of diseases, health trends, and risk factors. Their staff has long used statistical models and regression analyses to make important decisions such as targeting populations with the highest risk factors for a disease… Read More »Capture public health insights more quickly with no-code machine learning using Amazon SageMaker Canvas Henrik Balle AWS Machine Learning Blog

Safe image generation and diffusion models with Amazon AI content moderation services Lana Zhang AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​ Generative AI technology is improving rapidly, and it’s now possible to generate text and images based on text input. Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image model that empowers you to create photorealistic applications. You can easily generate images from text using Stable Diffusion models through… Read More »Safe image generation and diffusion models with Amazon AI content moderation services Lana Zhang AWS Machine Learning Blog

Meet Google’s New Anti-Money-Laundering AI Tool for Banks Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Google Cloud, a division of Alphabet, has introduced Anti Money Laundering AI for banks. The proposed AI solution is an innovative tool driven by artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to revolutionize anti-money laundering efforts in the financial industry. The product utilizes machine learning techniques… Read More »Meet Google’s New Anti-Money-Laundering AI Tool for Banks Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Watch This Space: New Field of Spatial Finance Uses AI to Estimate Risk, Monitor Assets, Analyze Claims Jochen Papenbrock – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

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​ When making financial decisions, it’s important to look at the big picture — say, one taken from a drone, satellite or AI-powered sensor. The emerging field of spatial finance harnesses AI insights from remote sensors and aerial imagery to help banks, insurers, investment firms… Read More »Watch This Space: New Field of Spatial Finance Uses AI to Estimate Risk, Monitor Assets, Analyze Claims Jochen Papenbrock – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog