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Who’ll Stop the Rain? Scientists Call for Climate Collaboration Stan Posey – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

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​ A trio of top scientists is helping lead one of the most ambitious efforts in the history of computing — building a digital twin of Earth. Peter Bauer, Bjorn Stevens and Francisco “Paco” Doblas-Reyes agree that a digital twin of Earth needs to support… Read More »Who’ll Stop the Rain? Scientists Call for Climate Collaboration Stan Posey – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

Matice Founder and Harvard Professor, Jessica Whited on Harnassing Regenerative Species – and AI – for Medical Breakthroughs Brian Caulfield – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

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​ Scientists at Matice Biosciences are using AI to study the regeneration of tissues in animals known as super-regenerators, such as salamanders and planarians. The goal of the research is to develop new treatments that will help humans heal from injuries without scarring. On the… Read More »Matice Founder and Harvard Professor, Jessica Whited on Harnassing Regenerative Species – and AI – for Medical Breakthroughs Brian Caulfield – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

Meet ChatGLM2-6B: The Second-Generation Version of the Open-Source Bilingual (Chinese-English) Chat Model ChatGLM-6B Khushboo Gupta Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Since the introduction of OpenAI’s revolutionary ChatGPT, which smashed records by gaining the fastest 100 million users for a product, considerable advancements have been made in the field of natural language conversation agents. Researchers are actively exploring various techniques and strategies to enhance chatbot… Read More »Meet ChatGLM2-6B: The Second-Generation Version of the Open-Source Bilingual (Chinese-English) Chat Model ChatGLM-6B Khushboo Gupta Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

MosaicML Just Released Their MPT-30B Under Apache 2.0. Anant shahi Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ After the grand success of MosaicML-7B, MosaicML has yet again outperformed the benchmark they set earlier. In the new groundbreaking release, MosaicML has launched MosaicML-30B.  MosaicML is a very precise and powerful pretrained transformer. MosaicML claims that MosaicML-30B is even better than ChatGPT3.  Before… Read More »MosaicML Just Released Their MPT-30B Under Apache 2.0. Anant shahi Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Type of Activation Functions in Neural Networks Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Activation functions for neural networks are an essential part of deep learning since they decide the accuracy and efficiency of the training model used to create or split a large-scale neural network and the output of deep learning models. The Activation Function is a… Read More »Type of Activation Functions in Neural Networks Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

5IDER: Unified Query Rewriting for Steering, Intent Carryover, Disfluencies, Entity Carryover and Repair Apple Machine Learning Research

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​*=Equal Contributors Providing voice assistants the ability to navigate multi-turn conversations is a challenging problem. Handling multi-turn interactions requires the system to understand various conversational use-cases, such as steering, intent carryover, disfluencies, entity carryover, and repair. The complexity of this problem is compounded by the… Read More »5IDER: Unified Query Rewriting for Steering, Intent Carryover, Disfluencies, Entity Carryover and Repair Apple Machine Learning Research

What Is Synthetic Data? Their Types, Use Cases, And Applications For Machine Learning And Privacy Vineet Kumar Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ The field of Data Science and Machine Learning is growing every single day. As new models and algorithms are being proposed with time, these new algorithms and models need enormous data for training and testing. Deep Learning models are gaining so much popularity nowadays,… Read More »What Is Synthetic Data? Their Types, Use Cases, And Applications For Machine Learning And Privacy Vineet Kumar Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Unifying image-caption and image-classification datasets with prefix conditioning Google AI Google AI Blog

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​Posted by Kuniaki Saito, Student Researcher, Cloud AI Team, and Kihyuk Sohn, Research Scientist, Perception Team Pre-training visual language (VL) models on web-scale image-caption datasets has recently emerged as a powerful alternative to traditional pre-training on image classification data. Image-caption datasets are considered to be… Read More »Unifying image-caption and image-classification datasets with prefix conditioning Google AI Google AI Blog