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On-device fetal ultrasound assessment with TensorFlow Lite (TensorFlow Blog) The TensorFlow Blog

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​ Posted by Angelica Willis and Akib Uddin, Health AI Team, Google Research How researchers at Google are working to expand global access to maternal healthcare with the help of AI TensorFlow Lite* is an open-source framework to run machine learning models on mobile and… Read More »On-device fetal ultrasound assessment with TensorFlow Lite (TensorFlow Blog) The TensorFlow Blog

The Backpack That Solves ChatGPT’s Bias: Backpack Language Models Are Alternative AI Methods for Transformers Ekrem Çetinkaya Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ AI language models are becoming an essential part of our lives. We have been using Google for decades to access information, but now, we are slowly switching to ChatGPT. It provides concise answers, clear explanations, and it is usually quicker to find the information… Read More »The Backpack That Solves ChatGPT’s Bias: Backpack Language Models Are Alternative AI Methods for Transformers Ekrem Çetinkaya Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

SalesForce AI Researchers Introduce Mask-free OVIS: An Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation Mask Generator Khushboo Gupta Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Instance segmentation refers to the computer vision task of identifying and differentiating multiple objects that belong to the same class within an image by treating them as distinct entities. Over the past few years, there has been a significant upturn in the number of… Read More »SalesForce AI Researchers Introduce Mask-free OVIS: An Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation Mask Generator Khushboo Gupta Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

The Monge Gap: A Regularizer to Learn All Transport Maps Apple Machine Learning Research

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​Optimal transport (OT) theory has been been used in machine learning to study and characterize maps that can push-forward efficiently a probability measure onto another. Recent works have drawn inspiration from Brenier’s theorem, which states that when the ground cost is the squared-Euclidean distance, the… Read More »The Monge Gap: A Regularizer to Learn All Transport Maps Apple Machine Learning Research

Private Online Prediction from Experts: Separations and Faster Rates Apple Machine Learning Research

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​*= Equal Contributors Online prediction from experts is a fundamental problem in machine learning and several works have studied this problem under privacy constraints. We propose and analyze new algorithms for this problem that improve over the regret bounds of the best existing algorithms for… Read More »Private Online Prediction from Experts: Separations and Faster Rates Apple Machine Learning Research

Stabilizing Transformer Training by Preventing Attention Entropy Collapse Apple Machine Learning Research

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​m*= Equal Contributors Training stability is of great importance to Transformers. In this work, we investigate the training dynamics of Transformers by examining the evolution of the attention layers. In particular, we track the attention entropy for each attention head during the course of training,… Read More »Stabilizing Transformer Training by Preventing Attention Entropy Collapse Apple Machine Learning Research

Spatial LibriSpeech: An Augmented Dataset for Spatial Audio Learning Apple Machine Learning Research

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​We present Spatial LibriSpeech, a spatial audio dataset with over 570 hours of 19-channel audio, first-order ambisonics, and optional distractor noise. Spatial LibriSpeech is designed for machine learning model training, and it includes labels for source position, speaking direction, room acoustics and geometry. Spatial LibriSpeech… Read More »Spatial LibriSpeech: An Augmented Dataset for Spatial Audio Learning Apple Machine Learning Research