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Take Me to Another Dimension: This AI Model Can Generate Realistic Generative 3D Face Models Ekrem Çetinkaya Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Generating anything, whether it’s a text or an image, in the digital world has never been easier, thanks to the advancement of neural networks in the last couple of years. From GPT models for text to diffusion models for images, we’ve seen revolutionary AI… Read More »Take Me to Another Dimension: This AI Model Can Generate Realistic Generative 3D Face Models Ekrem Çetinkaya Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Best 10+ Mobile AI Art Generator Apps in 2023 for Android and IOS Prathamesh Ingle Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Lensa AI Lensa AI is a top-tier photo and video editor for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch) and Macs (OS X 11.0 or later). It’s a fresh take on selfie editing, with capabilities you won’t find in the usual cropping and adjusting… Read More »Best 10+ Mobile AI Art Generator Apps in 2023 for Android and IOS Prathamesh Ingle Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Revolutionizing Android Development: Meet Studio Bot, Google’s AI Assistant in Android Studio Hedgehog Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Google has unveiled a new AI-powered code development assistant called Studio Bot, which is integrated into the latest version of Android Studio Hedgehog. This assistant, similar to GitHub Copilot, is designed to assist developers in writing code and improve development efficiency. Studio Bot uses… Read More »Revolutionizing Android Development: Meet Studio Bot, Google’s AI Assistant in Android Studio Hedgehog Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Meet Blendify: A Python Framework Developed with a Focus on 3D Computer Vision Visualization Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Computer vision is making noteworthy strides in the field of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. Its features, like object detection and image recognition, make it useful for extracting meaningful information from images and videos. Its applications are diverse, ranging from healthcare and automotive to… Read More »Meet Blendify: A Python Framework Developed with a Focus on 3D Computer Vision Visualization Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Using AI for Passive Income: A Guide to Generating Revenue with Artificial Intelligence Sanjam Singh Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine – Medium

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​ Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines for its ability to revolutionize the way we work, live, and do business. While the concept of AI may seem intimidating, it’s actually easier than ever to use it to generate passive income. In this article, I’ll… Read More »Using AI for Passive Income: A Guide to Generating Revenue with Artificial Intelligence Sanjam Singh Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine – Medium

Art and Science of Image Annotation: The Tech Behind AI and Machine Learning Roger Brown Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine – Medium

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​ The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in the modern world, seeing its potential to drastically improve human life in every way possible. By automating routine tasks and processes to streamlining operations with enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, AI has proven… Read More »Art and Science of Image Annotation: The Tech Behind AI and Machine Learning Roger Brown Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine – Medium