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Meet StarCoder: The Biggest Open-Source Large Language Models for Code Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ BigCode is a Hugging Face and ServiceNow-led open scientific cooperation focusing on creating huge programming language models ethically. Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs) StarCoder and StarCoderBase were developed with the help of GitHub’s openly licensed data, which includes 80+ programming languages, Git… Read More »Meet StarCoder: The Biggest Open-Source Large Language Models for Code Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Georgia Tech Researchers Introduce ZipIt: A General Method for Merging Two Arbitrary Models of the Same Architecture that Incorporates Two Simple Strategies Aneesh Tickoo Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ The discipline of computer vision has flourished under the rule of huge models with an ever-increasing number of parameters ever since AlexNet popularised deep learning. Today’s benchmark challenges include classification with tens of thousands of classes, precise object identification, quick instance segmentation, realistic picture… Read More »Georgia Tech Researchers Introduce ZipIt: A General Method for Merging Two Arbitrary Models of the Same Architecture that Incorporates Two Simple Strategies Aneesh Tickoo Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Application of Large Language Models in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research Arham Islam Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ ProGen Progen is a deep-learning LLM capable of generating protein sequences with a predictable function across large protein families. ProGen was trained on 280M protein sequences from more than 19,000 families, and the model is augmented with control tags specifying the property of the… Read More »Application of Large Language Models in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research Arham Islam Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Open AI Releases Shap·E: A Conditional Generative Model For 3D Assets Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ In the past few months, Generative AI has become progressively popular. From multiple organizations to AI researchers, everyone is discovering the massive potential Generative AI holds to produce unique and original content. With the introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs), a number of tasks… Read More »Open AI Releases Shap·E: A Conditional Generative Model For 3D Assets Tanya Malhotra Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost