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Achieving Causal Disentanglement from Purely Observational Data without Interventions Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Causal disentanglement is a critical field in machine learning that focuses on isolating latent causal factors from complex datasets, especially in scenarios where direct intervention is not feasible. This capability to deduce causal structures without interventions is particularly valuable across fields like computer vision,… Read More »Achieving Causal Disentanglement from Purely Observational Data without Interventions Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Generative AI for agriculture: How Agmatix is improving agriculture with Amazon Bedrock Etzik Bega AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​[[{“value”:” This post is co-written with Etzik Bega from Agmatix. Agmatix is an Agtech company pioneering data-driven solutions for the agriculture industry that harnesses advanced AI technologies, including generative AI, to expedite R&D processes, enhance crop yields, and advance sustainable agriculture. Focused on addressing the… Read More »Generative AI for agriculture: How Agmatix is improving agriculture with Amazon Bedrock Etzik Bega AWS Machine Learning Blog

Generate financial industry-specific insights using generative AI and in-context fine-tuning Randy DeFauw AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​[[{“value”:” In this blog post, we demonstrate prompt engineering techniques to generate accurate and relevant analysis of tabular data using industry-specific language. This is done by providing large language models (LLMs) in-context sample data with features and labels in the prompt. The results are similar… Read More »Generate financial industry-specific insights using generative AI and in-context fine-tuning Randy DeFauw AWS Machine Learning Blog

Deliver personalized marketing with Amazon Bedrock Agents Ray Wang AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​[[{“value”:” Creative content plays a crucial role in marketing, and personalized creative content in particular significantly boosts marketing performance. Generating personalized content can present a significant challenge for marketers because it requires considerable time and resources. This challenge stems from the need for multiple versions… Read More »Deliver personalized marketing with Amazon Bedrock Agents Ray Wang AWS Machine Learning Blog

LoopSCC: A Novel Loop Summarization Technique to Achieve Concrete Semantic Interpretation on Complex Loop Aswin Ak Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Analyzing loops with difficult control flows is a challenging problem that has long stood for over two decades in program verification and software analysis. Challenges associated with the non-deterministic number of iterations and potentially exponential growth of control flow paths arise, especially for multi-branch… Read More »LoopSCC: A Novel Loop Summarization Technique to Achieve Concrete Semantic Interpretation on Complex Loop Aswin Ak Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Virtual Personas for Language Models via an Anthology of Backstories The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

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We introduce Anthology, a method for conditioning LLMs to representative, consistent, and diverse virtual personas by generating and utilizing naturalistic backstories with rich details of individual values and experience.


We introduce Anthology, a method for conditioning LLMs to representative, consistent, and diverse virtual personas by generating and utilizing naturalistic backstories with rich details of individual values and experience.

What does it mean for large language models (LLMs) to be trained on massive text corpora, collectively produced by millions and billions of distinctive human authors?

In “Language Models as Agent Models”, compelling evidence suggests that recent language models could be considered models of agents: provided with a textual context, LLMs are capable of generating conditional text that represents the characteristics of an agent likely to have produced that context. This suggests that, with appropriate conditioning, LLMs could be guided to approximate the responses of a particular human voice, rather than the mixture of voices that otherwise emerges. If realized, this capability of LLMs would have significant implications for user research and social sciences—conditioned language models as virtual personas of human subjects could serve as cost-effective pilot studies and supporting best practices in human studies, e.g. the Belmont principles of justice and beneficence.

In this work, we introduce Anthology, an approach for steering LLMs to representative, consistent, and diverse virtual personas by providing richly detailed life narratives of individuals as conditioning context to models.
Read More »Virtual Personas for Language Models via an Anthology of Backstories The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

NeuroFly: An AI Framework for Whole-Brain Single Neuron Reconstruction Afeerah Naseem Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Neuroscience has advanced significantly, allowing us to understand the mapping of neurons in the brain. Neurons have dendrites and axons, branch-like structures connecting the neurons. Understanding these mappings is crucial for uncovering how the brain processes information, supports cognition, and controls movement, which have… Read More »NeuroFly: An AI Framework for Whole-Brain Single Neuron Reconstruction Afeerah Naseem Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

8 Super Important Data Analysis Methods and Techniques Pragati Jhunjhunwala Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Data analysis is the cornerstone of modern decision-making. It involves the systematic process of collecting, cleaning, transforming, and interpreting data to extract meaningful insights. By understanding the underlying patterns and trends within data, organizations can make informed decisions, optimize operations, and identify growth opportunities.… Read More »8 Super Important Data Analysis Methods and Techniques Pragati Jhunjhunwala Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Researchers from New York University Introduce Symile: A General Framework for Multimodal Contrastive Learning Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​[[{“value”:” Contrastive learning has become essential for building representations from paired data like image-text combinations in AI. It has shown great utility in transferring learned knowledge to downstream tasks, especially in domains with complex data interdependencies, such as robotics and healthcare. In robotics, for instance,… Read More »Researchers from New York University Introduce Symile: A General Framework for Multimodal Contrastive Learning Nikhil Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost