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Cleanlab Open-Sources ActiveLab: A Novel Active Learning Method For Data Labeling To Improve Machine Learning Models Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

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​ Labeled data is essential for training supervised machine learning models, but mistakes made by data annotators can impact the model’s accuracy. It is common to collect multiple annotations per data point to reduce annotation errors to establish a more reliable consensus label, but this… Read More »Cleanlab Open-Sources ActiveLab: A Novel Active Learning Method For Data Labeling To Improve Machine Learning Models Niharika Singh Artificial Intelligence Category – MarkTechPost

Training large language models on Amazon SageMaker: Best practices Anastasia Tzeveleka AWS Machine Learning Blog

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​ Language models are statistical methods predicting the succession of tokens in sequences, using natural text. Large language models (LLMs) are neural network-based language models with hundreds of millions (BERT) to over a trillion parameters (MiCS), and whose size makes single-GPU training impractical. LLMs’ generative… Read More »Training large language models on Amazon SageMaker: Best practices Anastasia Tzeveleka AWS Machine Learning Blog

From Basics to Mastery: How to Advance AI, HPC and Metaverse Technical Skills Ann Sheridan – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

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​ As technology advances, it’s essential for developers, students and educators to stay ahead of the curve through continuous learning. This is especially true for those interested in AI, high performance computing and the metaverse, as these technologies evolve fast.  Beginners, experts and everyone in… Read More »From Basics to Mastery: How to Advance AI, HPC and Metaverse Technical Skills Ann Sheridan – Archives Page 1 | NVIDIA Blog

Universal Speech Model (USM): State-of-the-art speech AI for 100+ languages Google AI Google AI Blog

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​Posted by Yu Zhang, Research Scientist, and James Qin, Software Engineer, Google Research Last November, we announced the 1,000 Languages Initiative, an ambitious commitment to build a machine learning (ML) model that would support the world’s one thousand most-spoken languages, bringing greater inclusion to billions… Read More »Universal Speech Model (USM): State-of-the-art speech AI for 100+ languages Google AI Google AI Blog