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AWS and Hugging Face collaborate to make generative AI more accessible and cost efficient Amazon Web Services AWS Machine Learning Blog

​ We’re thrilled to announce an expanded collaboration between AWS and Hugging Face to accelerate the training, fine-tuning, and deployment of large language and vision models used to create generative AI applications. Generative AI applications can perform a variety of tasks, including text summarization, answering… Read More »AWS and Hugging Face collaborate to make generative AI more accessible and cost efficient Amazon Web Services AWS Machine Learning Blog

Fine-tune text-to-image Stable Diffusion models with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart Vivek Madan AWS Machine Learning Blog

​ In November 2022, we announced that AWS customers can generate images from text with Stable Diffusion models in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Stable Diffusion is a deep learning model that allows you to generate realistic, high-quality images and stunning art in just a few seconds.… Read More »Fine-tune text-to-image Stable Diffusion models with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart Vivek Madan AWS Machine Learning Blog

Learning JAX in 2023: Part 1 — The Ultimate Guide to Accelerating Numerical Computation and Machine Learning Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Ritwik Raha PyImageSearch

​ Table of Contents Learning JAX in 2023: Part 1 — The Ultimate Guide to Accelerating Numerical Computation and Machine Learning 🙌🏻 Introduction Configuring Your Development Environment Having Problems Configuring Your Development Environment? 🤔 What Is JAX? autograd XLA 👀 What Is JAX (revisited)? ⬇️… Read More »Learning JAX in 2023: Part 1 — The Ultimate Guide to Accelerating Numerical Computation and Machine Learning Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Ritwik Raha PyImageSearch

FRMT: A benchmark for few-shot region-aware machine translation Google AI Google AI Blog

​Posted by Parker Riley, Software Engineer, and Jan Botha, Research Scientist, Google Research Many languages spoken worldwide cover numerous regional varieties (sometimes called dialects), such as Brazilian and European Portuguese or Mainland and Taiwan Mandarin Chinese. Although such varieties are often mutually intelligible to their… Read More »FRMT: A benchmark for few-shot region-aware machine translation Google AI Google AI Blog

Scaling Large Language Model (LLM) training with Amazon EC2 Trn1 UltraClusters K.C. Tung AWS Machine Learning Blog

​ Modern model pre-training often calls for larger cluster deployment to reduce time and cost. At the server level, such training workloads demand faster compute and increased memory allocation. As models grow to hundreds of billions of parameters, they require a distributed training mechanism that… Read More »Scaling Large Language Model (LLM) training with Amazon EC2 Trn1 UltraClusters K.C. Tung AWS Machine Learning Blog

TensorFlow Datasets is turning 4! (TensorFlow Blog) The TensorFlow Blog

​ Posted by the TensorFlow Datasets team Datasets landscape has changed a lot since TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) was introduced about 4 years ago: TFDS made sharing or re-using a dataset significantly easier, and transformed the datasets landscape by inspiring other ML tools, libraries and services.… Read More »TensorFlow Datasets is turning 4! (TensorFlow Blog) The TensorFlow Blog